Green Party’s Caroline Russell responds to new Heathrow third runway report

25 February 2020

The New Economics Foundation has today [Tuesday 25 February] published a new report which shows the Heathrow third runway expansion would introduce an additional 3 to 4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent into the economy.

Caroline Russell, London Assembly Member and Green Party spokesperson for transport, said: 

“This report lays bare the hugely damaging consequences of expansion at Heathrow. Not only would the third runway make it harder to meet our climate commitments but it would also worsen regional economic inequality.

“At a time when the Prime Minister is talking about ‘levelling up’ regions across the UK, this is yet another clear example where the government’s words and actions just do not match up.

“Rather than promoting flying, the dirtiest mode of transport, in one of the most well-connected cities in the world, the government should be investing in green and affordable transport so communities across the country have clean, safe and convenient options for their journeys.”

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Green Party peer Natalie Bennett responds to government’s post-Brexit immigration plans

19 February 2020

Responding to the government’s proposals for its post-Brexit immigration plan, Green Party peer Natalie Bennett said:

“The UK has always been a country of immigrants and emigrants. This short-sighted and damaging proposal closes the door on both groups, for many countries will surely respond with similar restrictions on Britons. Immigrants contribute so much to our country’s prosperity and cultural and community life, we will all be the poorer under these plans.

“Whether it’s caring for us in hospital or providing day to day services we all rely on, migrants have played a huge role in making the UK a richer and more interesting country for all.

“Many traditional large and small business backers of the Tory Party are opposed to this move, and it is clear this is dog-whistle politics, playing to populist, discriminatory agendas.

“Instead of demonising migrants we should be recognising the immense contribution they make to this country and continue the free movement for EU citizens – with the corresponding rights for UK citizens across Europe. Young people should not have fewer freedoms and opportunities than their parents had.”


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Green Party responds to appointment of George Eustice as new Environment Secretary

13 February 2020

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley said:

“Theresa Villiers’ time as environment secretary was short yet still managed to be a missed opportunity. The Environment Bill she introduced actually weakened environmental protections when it should have done everything it could to tackle the catastrophic collapse in nature we are currently facing.

“George Eustice has now been given one of the most important jobs in government at a critical time. However, here is a man who has regularly voted against measures to address the climate crisis, supported the sell-off of state owned forests and has received a donation from a director of a climate sceptic organisation.

“At a time when the UK must lead the way by placing environmental protections ahead of economic growth and prioritising the well-being of people and nature, this is yet more time-wasting by a Prime Minister who fails to understand the urgency of the climate crisis.”

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Treasury is in need of a radical shake up – Green Party statement on reshuffle

13 February 2020

Green Party peer and former leader Natalie Bennett said:

“The Treasury is in urgent need of a radical shake up, but we won’t get the reform we need from a Conservative government. 

“The pursuit of endless growth has pushed our climate over a cliff, while failing to tackle poverty in the sixth richest nation in the world. We need to repurpose our economy to put people and planet first, investing in a Green New Deal and measuring the things which really matter like wellbeing, free time and environmental health, not just GDP. 

“With Johnson and Cummings now pulling the strings of the Chancellor like never before, expect more of the free market fundamentalism which is turbo charging the climate crisis and driving millions into misery.  In an age of climate emergency, we need real reform of our economy.”

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Green Party condemns deportation flight to Jamaica

11 February 2020

“It is outrageous that the government, despite the court of appeal’s decision last night, went ahead with the deportation early this morning.

“This shows once again that the Government is unwilling to learn the lessons from the Windrush scandal.

“Individuals that have spent convictions and have not had proper legal representation, should not suffer separation from their families as an extra punishment for their crimes.

“Deporting people by stealth undermines confidence in our legal and immigration system. It demonstrates a government willing to bend the rules for a few good headlines in the press.“

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