Record results for Greens puts pressure on PM to address climate in Queen’s Speech

10 May 2021

  • Caroline Lucas: “The surge in votes we’ve seen for the Green Party this weekend shows that people up and down the country recognise the urgent need for real action on the environment, and that this can be done whilst dramatically improving the quality of peoples’ lives”

In the wake of record election results for the Greens this weekend [1], Caroline Lucas MP has said the government must set out what action it will take to tackle the climate and ecological crises in tomorrow’s Queen’s Speech.

Ahead of the speech, the MP for Brighton Pavilion has put forward a list of “Five Bills to Thrive” [2] which would make fundamental changes to society, including the creation of millions of Green jobs, for the best for people and the planet.

Meanwhile, the Greens have also called on the government to introduce the long-overdue social care bill and halt the photo ID requirement for elections set to be confirmed in the speech tomorrow, despite the fact that in 2019 there was just one reported conviction of voter fraud. [3]

Lucas said:

“The surge in votes we’ve seen for the Green Party this weekend shows that people up and down the country recognise the urgent need for real action on the environment, and that this can be done whilst dramatically improving the quality of peoples’ lives.

“The government must use the Queen’s Speech tomorrow to put us on the right track to addressing the huge challenges of climate and ecological breakdown. 

“If the government was serious about making life better for all, then tomorrow we would see a Green New Deal to create millions of Green jobs alongside Bills to help the UK meet its climate targets and shift the focus of our economic model away from relentless GDP growth and towards the health of people and planet.”

Meanwhile, Green Party peer Natalie Bennett called for the Prime Minister to deliver on his promise to introduce a Social Care Bill. 

Baroness Bennett said:

“Where is the social care bill that Boris Johnson told us was ‘oven ready’ from the steps of Downing Street on day one as Prime Minister? 

“The Conservatives are letting down the vulnerable elderly and those who care for them with inadequate pay and conditions yet again. 

“Meanwhile we have plans for our NHS that see it being handed over on a platter to the disastrous American for-profit healthcare providers.

“This is a Queen’s Speech from which a few are set to profit, while the rest of us pay, with our chance to exert democratic controls over the government even further reduced by deployment of US-style voter suppression tactics in the form of photo-ID requirements.”





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Green Party celebrates record local election results

9 May 2021

  • Greens win a total of 155 seats, including 99 gains
  • Party sees representation gained on 18 new councils
  • Jonathan Bartley: “It’s clear that the Green Party is the next major force in British politics”

The Green Party is celebrating the best local elections results in its history with more green councillors on more councils across the country than ever before. Voters across the country have made clear their hope for a Greener future after the Covid pandemic.

The Greens have won a total of 155 seats and gained representation on 18 new councils in this year’s local elections. It takes the total tally of councils with Green representation to 141.

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley said: “Once again, we are seeing record results for the Green Party. A Green wave is sweeping across the country with Greens winning seats in places dominated by both Labour and Conservatives. These are votes for our strong vision and practical policies for a green future. 

“Whether it’s in Burnley or Bristol, people are turning to the Greens because they know that the way we won their vote is the way we will use the power they have given us – with hard work and humility. We will not take their support for granted.

“In a time of multiple crises there is a recognition that the Greens are ready. The changes that are happening in the world are ones we have anticipated and we have the policies and the vision not only to prevent the worst but to use the changes that are on the way to build a better society for us all.

“People know a better, Greener future is possible. A future where we tackle the climate and ecological emergencies but also enable communities in every corner of England and Wales to thrive.”

Some of the key achievements include:

  • Became the joint biggest party in Bristol, gaining 13 new seats on the council, taking the total to 24. At the same time, the party recorded its first-ever second place result in an election for a directly-elected mayor. Bristol Mayor candidate Sandy Hore-Ruthven went toe-to-toe with the current Labour mayor Marvin Rees, who both reached the second round of counting.
  • Saw record breaking results in London, with Sian Berry coming third in the London Mayor election, increasing her vote share in the process. Meanwhile, the party received 12 per cent of the vote on the list ballot, meaning Zack Polanski became its third London Assembly member, joining Sian and Caroline Russell
  • Gained a further five seats on Sheffield City Council, taking their total to 13 and pushing the local authority into no overall control.
  • Gained six Green councillors on Suffolk County Council, taking the total to nine and making the Greens the Official Opposition in Suffolk.

Bartley said: “These results show clearly that people are fed up with the old two party system which has dominated for so long and caused so much mistrust and damage.

“Greens are now representing communities up and down the country and people can see the impact they make.”

In Bristol, newly-elected Councillor Yassin Mohamud said: “It’s an honour to be elected to Bristol City Council. The people living in Lawrence Hill have felt ignored for a very long time, so I’m excited to put that right alongside my Green Party colleagues. Local people have been very supportive – now Bristol Greens will begin the work to make things better.”

In Solihull, newly-elected Councillor Shesh Sheshabhatter said: “I already do a lot for my community but I know that as a councillor, I’ll be able to work with my Green colleagues to go that extra mile to make our community even safer and greener. I’m really humbled to receive so many votes.”

Councillor Robert Nunney, who became the first Green to be elected to Manchester City Council since 2004, said: “It’s all about being a presence in the community and speaking to residents, working with the community and finding out the local issues and acting on those.”

The new councils on which Greens are represented: Cambridge County, Hertfordshire County, Norfolk County, Derbyshire County, Northamptonshire North Unitary, Durham County, Northumberland County, Cumbria County, Manchester City, Stockport Metropolitan Borough, Halton Borough, Hastings Borough, East Sussex County, Isle of Wight Unitary, West Oxfordshire District, West Sussex County, Adur District, Cornwall Unitary

View the full list of results here.




The Green Party now has a total of 445 councillors across the country on 141 councils.

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Greens raise the stakes in Bristol as they become joint biggest party in the city

9 May 2021

  • Greens make 13 gains in Bristol, more than doubling their number of councillors
  • Party won nearly 50% of the votes in the Bristol West constituency – meaning it is now on track to win seat at next general election
  • Green group is now the joint biggest in the city with Labour on 24 seats each

The Green Party has changed the political landscape in Bristol, having reached a key milestone to put it on course to win its second parliamentary seat at the next general election, after record gains have seen it become the joint biggest party in the city.

The Greens won a massive 24 seats in Bristol over the weekend, including 13 gains. The party also won nearly all the seats and almost half of the votes overall across the Bristol West constituency.

It means the Bristol Green Party now has a total of 24 seats on the council – the joint highest with Labour.

This follows the party’s success in the mayor results, where it achieved its first ever second place, and strong showings in the metro mayor and PCC elections.

Councillor Carla Denyer, who was returned in her Clifton Down seat with a hugely increased majority and came second in the 2019 general election in Bristol West, said:

“Bristol is showing once again that it is a Green city and it is long overdue for it to have a Green MP. 

“When the next election comes we will be ready to win in Bristol West, to make sure that Bristol gets the Green representation in Parliament that it deserves.”

Mayor runner-up Sandy Hore-Ruthven said:

“This is a historic result for Bristol and for the Green Party nationally. It’s the first time we’ve come second in an elected mayoral race and shows the extraordinary strength of Green support in our great city. 

“The huge swings towards Green candidates in the council elections shows how we are now clearly contesting power with Labour across the city.”

The party made breakthroughs in Lawrence Hill, Bedminster, Eastville Lockleaze, Easton and Central where they took seats from Labour.

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley said:

“The incredible gains we have seen in Bristol show that the city is ready to elect a Green MP.

“It is clear that the people of Bristol see Green politics as the future, and I’m delighted that we will now have the strongest Green voice we have ever had on the council.”

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Greens commit to building closer relationship with EU on Europe Day

9 May 2021

Molly Scott Cato: “Most people voted for Brexit on the understanding that we would remain inside the single market and customs union; it’s not too late for the government to admit its historic mistake.”

The Green Party has repeated its commitment to a stronger and closer relationship with the EU, including negotiations to rejoin the customs union.

The call coincides with Europe Day celebrating peace and unity in Europe, and comes after tension between the UK and France over the latters’ fishing rights off the coast of Jersey.

Brexit spokesperson for the Green Party, Molly Scott Cato, said: 

“The current arrangement with the EU has threatened peace and security in Northern Ireland and now in Jersey as well as devastating so many industries including music, finance, food and fisheries. We don’t see the now formally adopted Trade and Cooperation Agreement as the end of the story but as a foundation on which to build a stronger and closer relationship.

“That is why the Green Party on Europe Day is again calling on the government to begin to build back a closer relationship with the EU, starting with a veterinary agreement and a request to begin negotiations to rejoin the customs union. These two agreements would augment greater EU-UK trade and cooperation ties and limit the chaos we have seen at borders.

“Rejoining the customs union and developing a deeper agreement in veterinary standards would mean an end to the lengthy, complicated bureaucratic processes businesses have to go through to import and export goods at a time of financial uncertainty for many.

“Business owners are realising it was a mistake to agree to such a hard Brexit and it’s time this is reversed. At the time of the referendum most people thought we would be continuing our membership of the single market and customs union and only leaving the political institutions. It’s not too late for the government to admit its historic mistake.” [2]






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Greens celebrate record breaking results in London elections

9 May 2021

The London Green Party is celebrating record breaking results following the London elections on 6 May.

Green Party candidate for Mayor of London Sian Berry achieved the party’s best ever result in this election, winning 8 percent of first preference votes. In total, Sian received 197,976 first preference votes, and 486,798 second preference votes. This put Sian comfortably in third place, with the Liberal Democrat candidate in fourth with 4 percent of first preferences. [1]

In 2016, Sian won 6 percent of first preference votes – at the time, the party’s best ever result. [2]

The London Green Party is also celebrating a breakthrough on the London Assembly, achieving 12 percent of the vote on the list ballot, electing Zack Polanski onto the London Assembly alongside Sian Berry and Caroline Russell. [3]

Zack Polanski joined the Green Party in 2017 and has a history of campaigning and activism across a range of environmental and social justice issues. He has a background of working in the gig economy, having been an actor, youth worker and mental health counsellor. He is currently a property guardian, giving him first hand experience of London’s housing crisis, and he is the first gay and Jewish person ever to be elected to the London Assembly.

Berry said:

“Londoners have sent a message loud and clear: London can be the greenest city in the world.

“This is the Green Party’s best ever result in an election to become Mayor of London, and with the election of more Green Assembly Members, it is a serious mandate for the ideas we were putting in front of the public this campaign – rent controls, flat fares, and a higher living wage.

“We started conversations in this campaign, we won the arguments, and we set the agenda. Over the three years ahead, Greens will be in City Hall pushing the Mayor to take action on these issues, reminding him that Londoners love our ideas, and winning real change for every single person in this city.

“London did something amazing this week, and Greens are going to make these next years in the Assembly count.

“I want to thank every single Londoner who voted for our positive vision of a transformed city. This is a new start for London, and our members are ready to work even harder to elect new councillors in a year’s time.”

Polanski said:

“Being elected to City Hall by Londoners is the honour of my life, and I can’t wait to get started on transforming this amazing city for good.

“The very first thing I want to do is to make a promise: I will never, ever forget who put me here. Renters, workers, commuters, artists, small business owners, disabled people, older people, young people LGBTIQA people, people of colour, everyone who came together and believed in our positive vision for London. I promise that the voice of every Londoner will be heard in City Hall, especially if you feel like you’re not being heard right now.”






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