Greens urge election focus on hope and positive change  

22 May 2024

The Green Party welcomes the General Election as the chance for voters to choose hope and practical solutions to the crises facing the country. 

Co-leader and parliamentary candidate for Bristol Central Carla Denyer said: 

“At last. This is the moment the country has been waiting for – the chance to vote for a different vision of what our country can be. We are urging voters to elect at least four Green MPs to Parliament.” 

Co-leader and parliamentary candidate for Waveney Valley Adrian Ramsay said: 

“We are ready. Across the country people will have the chance to vote for a Green candidate offering voters hope and practical solutions to the cost-of-living crisis, supporting people into warm, affordable homes, protecting our NHS and cleaning up our toxic rivers. 

Denyer added: 

“By reforming our tax system to make it fairer – including a tax on the super-rich billionaires and multi-millionaires – we would raise £50billion to invest in our NHS, warmer homes and cleaner rivers.” 

Ramsay added: 

“We are offering the common sense, affordable policies that will dramatically improve our quality of life. More Green MPs in Parliament will hold whoever forms the next government to account, and make the other parties confront the challenges our country faces. Together, we can make the change.” 


The Green Party of England and Wales will stand candidates in every constituency, with its best chances in: 

  • Brighton Pavilion – Sian Berry 
  • Bristol Central – Carla Denyer 
  • North Herefordshire – Ellie Chowns 
  • Waveney Valley – Adrian Ramsay 

For more information and to arrange interviews contact: Tel: 0203 691 9401. 

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Green Party backs ICC in seeking arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli war criminals 

20 May 2024

Responding to the announcement by the International Criminal Court (ICC) that it is seeking arrest warrants for senior Hamas and Israeli officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Green Party spokesperson for global solidarity, Carne Ross, said: 

“The ICC prosecutor’s announcement today sets out in horrifying detail the brutal decisions undertaken by the leaders of both Hamas and Israel.

“Green Party leaders wrote to the foreign secretary David Cameron six months ago setting out how war crimes had been committed by both sides [1]. The UK government must now stop denying the heinous crimes perpetrated by the government of Israel and its defence forces including, according to the ICC, the starvation of civilians, wilfully causing great suffering and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population.  

“This is a big test for David Cameron who has to date refuted any suggestion of war crimes by Israel and refused to reveal the government’s legal advice. Under the Rome Statute, which the UK helped write, he is obliged to support this ICC process. The government’s claim that it supports the international rule of law is being put to the test.” 



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Joint Statement with Lord Mann

15 May 2024

Joint Statement from the Co-Leaders and Deputy Leader of The Green Party and Lord Mann, the Government’s Independent Advisor on Antisemitism: 

“Lord Mann and the leadership team at The Green Party of England and Wales met last week to discuss the important issue of antisemitism. Both parties have committed to continued dialogue and working together to ensure that antisemitism, like all racism, has no place in Green politics and to better educate Green representatives about anti-Jewish racism. The Green Party has taken a series of proactive steps towards these goals but understands that this will take consistent work going forward.”

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Green Party reaction to Sunak’s Policy Exchange speech

13 May 2024

Responding to the prime minister’s ‘security’ speech at Policy Exchange [1], in which Rishi Sunak said “we must be prepared strategically, economically, with robust plans and greater national resilience, to meet this time of instability with strength, co-leader of the Green Party Adrian Ramsay said: 

“The prime minister’s speech on security failed to make a single mention of the threats posed by climate change in spite of the government’s own Climate Change Committee being clear that this is one of the biggest challenges of our generation. With land and sea temperature records being broken on an almost daily basis, this is an emergency.  

“Yet instead of announcing any new climate commitments, Sunak chose instead to vilify those pushing for climate action, accusing them of ideological zeal. He also trotted out the tired excuse for inaction, that the costs of achieving Net Zero were too great and would disrupt people’s lives. The reality is that the Conservatives’ decision to listen to the siren song of the fossil fuel industry means we are being left behind in the economic transition. 

“The Green Party understands that the cost of inaction on climate far outweighs the cost of action. We also know the huge disruption to people’s lives that climate breakdown will cause. That’s why Greens want to see investment in insulating homes and turbocharging renewable energy. These sorts of investments will bring down people’s energy bills, create thousands of new jobs and give us real energy security.” 



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Greens call for safe and legal routes

10 May 2024

Responding to Labour Leader Keir Starmer’s speech in Dover, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Labour is right to signal it will abandon the government’s inhumane Rwanda deportation plan, but it has failed to offer people seeking asylum the safe and legal routes that would offer a real alternative to people smugglers, or tackle the roots of the asylum crisis. 

“I don’t want people risking their lives crossing the channel in small boats.  

“But the way to end this awful spectacle isn’t Labour’s punitive, inhumane alternative to the Conservatives ’failed Rwanda scheme.  

“It is providing safe and legal routes for people to apply for asylum from overseas, working for strong international co-operation on supporting asylum seekers and working to address the reasons that people are having to claim asylum – including wars, poverty and the climate crisis.” 

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