YEYS – Press release – School visit in Lithuania

Europos Parlamento rinkimai 2019: Šakių „Žiburio“ gimnazijos moksleiviai kalbės renginyje „Tavo Europa, tavo balsas!“

Kovo  1 d.  Šakių „Žiburio“ gimnazijos moksleiviai susitiks su Europos ekonomikos ir socialinių reikalų komiteto nare  Daiva Kvedaraite, kuri padės jiems rengtis jaunimo asamblėjai „#YEYSjau10. Balsuokite už ateitį!“ („#YEYSturns10: Vote for the future!“),  vyksiančiai  kovo 21–22 d. Briuselyje.  

Šakių „Žiburio“ gimnazija yra viena iš skirtingoms Europos šalims atstovaujančių 33 mokyklų , kurių atstovai šį kovą susirinks Briuselyje pasikeisti nuomonėmis ir išsakyti savo viltis ir lūkesčius, siejamus su artėjančiais Europos Parlamento rinkimais. Jie parengs tris pasiūlymus, atspindinčius pačius svarbiausius jaunosios kartos prioritetus, kuriuos turės svarstyti Europos Parlamentas. Europos ekonomikos ir socialinių reikalų komitetas (EESRK) pasirūpins, kad šie pasiūlymai pasiektų teisės aktų leidėjus.

D. Kvedaraitė padės 16–18 metų moksleiviams iki kovo mėn. pasirengti šiam Briuselyje vyksiančiam renginiui. Moksleiviai turės pasidalyti savo idėjomis, skirtomis 2019 m. Europos Parlamento rinkimams, ir rasti atsakymus į šiuos konkrečius klausimus:

  • Ką, tavo nuomone, reikėtų daryti, kad daugiau rinkėjų dalyvautų Europos Parlamento rinkimuose?
  • Kaip galėtume ateityje sustiprinti atstovaujamąją demokratiją?
  • Kokių politinės veiklos galimybių esama be Europos Parlamento rinkimų ir kaip būtų galima tokioje veikloje dalyvauti?

Plenarinio posėdžio „Tavo Europa, tavo balsas!“ metu dalyviai balsuos dėl trijų Europos Parlamentui skirtų pasiūlymų, kurie turėtų būti įtraukti .

Bendroji informacija

Šioje iniciatyvoje dalyvaujančios 33 mokyklos buvo atrinktos elektroninės atrankos būdu. Dalyvaus po vieną mokyklą iš visų 28 ES valstybių narių ir penkių šalių kandidačių (Albanijos, buvusiosios Jugoslavijos Respublikos Makedonijos, Juodkalnijos, Serbijos ir Turkijos). Dalyvauti šiame 10-tą kartą organizuojamame renginyje buvo gauta kaip niekad daug paraiškų – 1038.

Renginį „Tavo Europa, tavo balsas!“ (YEYS) organizuoja Europos ekonomikos ir socialinių reikalų komitetas, Europos lygmeniu atstovaujantis pilietinei visuomenei, ir tai yra Komiteto pagrindinis jaunimui skirtas renginys.

Šia iniciatyva EESRK siekia užtikrinti, kad formuojant ES politiką būtų atsižvelgta į jaunosios kartos nuomonę, patirtį ir idėjas.

Daugiau informacijos apie YEYS2019 pateikiama oficialioje renginio interneto svetainėje. Spustelėję čia galite peržiūrėti YEYS2018 vaizdo įrašą.

State aid: Commission approves support for four floating demonstration offshore wind farms in France

The Commission approved French plans to support four demonstration floating wind farms for producing electricity. The “Groix Belle Ile” project will be located in the Atlantic Ocean, while the other three projects(“Golf du Lion”, “Eolmed”, and “Provence Grand Large”) will be located in the Mediterranean Sea.

The demonstration floating wind farms will each be composed of three to four turbines and will each have a total installed capacity of 24 megawatt. The turbines will be installed in the sea on floaters. The turbines will be interconnected with each other and connected to land through an underwater cable.

Each of the four demonstration wind farms will use a particular combination of turbine, floater and cables. The objective of the public support is to test these different technological solutions, with the long-term goal to test this technology before deploying it on a larger scale.

The demonstration wind farms will receive both investment aid and operating aid. Part of the investment aid will be paid in the form of repayable advances.

The Commission assessed the measures under EU State aid rules, in particular the Commission’s Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy. The Commission found that:

  • the French projects will promote the development of a new type of offshore wind energy and the potential growth of a novel renewable energy technology.
  • the level of aid granted to the four projects is proportionate and will avoid overcompensation for the beneficiaries of the public support, in line with the requirements of the Guidelines.

On this basis, the Commission concluded that the four projects will promote the use of electricity generated from renewable sources and will help France meet its climate targets, without unduly distorting competition.


The Commission’s 2014 Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy allow Member States to support the production of electricity from renewable energy sources, subject to certain conditions.These rules are aimed at meeting the EU’s ambitious energy and climate targets at the least possible cost for taxpayers and without undue distortions of competition in the Single Market.

The Renewable Energy Directive established targets for all Member States’ shares of renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption by 2020. For France that target is 23% by 2020. The projects aim to contribute to reaching that target.

More information on the four decisions adopted today will be available, once potential confidentiality issues have been resolved, in the State aid register on the competition website under the case number SA.49672, SA.49673, SA.49674 and SA.52085. The State Aid Weekly e-News lists new publications of state aid decisions on the internet and in the EU Official Journal.

Photo competition to profile sustainable food, energy and mobility

 Image © © Łukasz Frasunkiewicz, WaterPIX /EEA

The EEA’s photo competition, ‘Sustainably Yours’, aims to engage European citizens to reflect on the environment and climate impacts of food, energy and mobility. It is your chance to showcase your talent as a photographer and have a say in the societal debate about turning our societies more sustainable.

To participate, simply send us your best photos, by 15 May 2019, on any of these three topics:

1. Sustainable food

Can you capture what sustainable food looks like, or what it does not look like? Can you show how it is produced and reaches our plates? What are the solutions to make our food system more sustainable?

2. Sustainable energy

We use energy for everything from heating our homes and manufacturing products to moving around and charging our mobiles. Can you show what our dependency on energy looks like or how we can produce energy without negative effects on our environment and climate? What is stopping us?

3. Sustainable mobility

We go to school, to work, to visit family and friends, and we go on holidays to discover new places. And we transport the things we consume. From compact cities to efficient engines and clean fuels, can you capture the challenges and opportunities for sustainable mobility?

The competition is open to citizens of the EEA member countries and West Balkan cooperating countries. All participants must be 18 or older. Read more about the competition rules and how to participate on the ‘Sustainably Yours’ competition page.

The winners in the three competition categories will receive a cash prize of EUR 1000 each. The EEA will also give a special Youth Prize for the best picture sent by a young person. A Public Choice Award will be selected among all finalists through an online vote.

The EEA will announce the winners in June 2019.

Main topics and media events 24 February – 10 March 2019

Overview of the main subjects to be discussed at meetings of the Council of the EU over the next two weeks.

EU-League of Arab States Summit, Sunday 24 and Monday 25 February 2019

Leaders from both sides will seek to strengthen Arab-European ties. They will also address a wide range of issues and common challenges, such as: multilateralism, trade and investment, migration, security and the situation in the region.

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy), Monday 4 March 2019

Ministers are invited to adopt a general approach on a regulation on tyres labelling and hold a policy debate on the energy aspects of the strategic long-term vision “A Clean Planet for all”. The Council will be informed about the state of play on the gas directive and the Connecting Europe Facility.

Environment Council, Tuesday 5 March 2019

The Council is invited to adopt a general approach on the drinking water directive. Ministers will hold policy debates on the strategic long-term vision “A Clean Planet for all” and on the EU framework on endocrine disruptors.

Justice and Home Affairs Council, Thursday 7 and Friday 8 March 2019

On Thursday, Home affairs ministers will discuss topics such as the EU cooperation with third countries in the field of migration, the EU response to terrorism. They will also be updated on several files, such as the reform of the Common European Asylum System or the European Border and Coast Guard regulation

On Friday, Justice ministers will discuss the topic of e-evidence. They are expected to adopt a general approach on the directive on the designation of legal representatives for the purpose of collecting evidence. They will also discuss negotiating mandates submitted by the Commission for international agreements in the field of e-evidence.

Preserving social security entitlements in the event of no-deal Brexit: Council approves draft contingency measures

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