German Parliamentary Secretary of State visits Eurojust

2 May 2019

Mr Christian Lange, the German Parliamentary Secretary of State for Justice and Consumer Protection, visited Eurojust, the EU’s Judicial Cooperation Unit. Mr Lange met with Mr Ladislav Hamran, President of Eurojust, and Mr Klaus Meyer-Cabri, Vice-President of Eurojust, to discuss Germany’s invaluable contribution to fighting cross-border crime in the European Union, and how Germany can further support Eurojust’s efforts towards a safer Europe.

The discussions centred on enhancing judicial cooperation within the European Union and beyond, as well as on promoting the use of Eurojust’s cooperation tools and instruments. Eurojust’s President and Vice-President emphasized the bridge-making role of Eurojust in bringing together prosecutors from 28 different national jurisdictions and 30 legal systems, and stressed the need for appropriate funding for Eurojust’s fight against cross-border crime.

State Secretary Lange praised the progress made by Eurojust and the German Desk since his first visit in July 2015 in the fight against cross border-crime. He underlined Eurojust’s importance in quickly and effectively coordinating transnational investigations and prosecutions of serious crime, including terrorism, thus ensuring criminal justice across the European continent.

Mr Lange stressed: ‘Eurojust plays a key role in the effective prosecution of cross-border crime in the European Union. German prosecutors frequently exchange information with their European partners via Eurojust. Joint investigation teams, for example, are a major success factor in the investigation of cross-border crime. The further development and strengthening of Eurojust are therefore important to the German Federal Government. In November 2018, the Ministers of Justice of Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands agreed to reinforce Eurojust and step up their efforts to share findings on criminals and terrorist activities. Germany, particularly the Federal Prosecutor General’s Office, is heavily involved in these efforts, and is eager to contribute in this regard.’

Mr Hamran stated: ‘We warmly welcome the visit of the German Secretary of State as it demonstrates Germany’s important commitment to enhancing our successful collaboration. Eurojust’s successful work is based on European values, with respect for due process and the fundamental rights of European citizens. This work is also an inspiration for States outside the European Union. Only together can we create and sustain an area of freedom and security in Europe. I strongly believe that we can set an example for other countries to join the Eurojust family.’

Mr Meyer-Cabri pointed out: ‘Achieving coordinated investigations through Eurojust’s coordination role is a key element to successfully fight cross-border crime. German prosecutors have fully recognised this potential. In the last four years alone, the support asked by them from the German Desk at Eurojust has risen by 350%. The second visit to Eurojust of the State Secretary shows the full political support of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection for our work.’

Photos © Eurojust.

EIOPA calls for candidates to join Expert Panel on Pan-European Personal Pension Product Regulation

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) today issued a call for candidates to join an Expert Panel on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) Regulation.

Based on the forthcoming Regulation on PEPP, EIOPA is required to develop substantial policy and regulatory requirements for the effective implementation of the Regulation. It also mandates EIOPA to exercise a strong role in the future supervision of PEPPs. Hereby, EIOPA will provide for a central information hub on PEPP for all European citizens and competent authorities.  

In particular, EIOPA is working on the PEPP Regulation’s empowerments for EIOPA, for which – in consultation with the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) as well as the European Central Bank (ECB) – a number of important draft technical standards need to be developed. Further, EIOPA is expected to provide technical advice to the European Commission regarding the areas where delegated acts are required.

In light of the policy perspective to design a PEPP that exhibits high quality product features around information provision, risk-mitigating techniques and a cost cap for the basic PEPP, the feedback and support from practitioners can allow EIOPA to find superior solutions and to develop smart policy advice that incentivises financial innovation for the benefit of the European consumer.

Therefore, EIOPA is setting up an Expert Panel on PEPP to inform EIOPA’s policy work, to test policy proposals and to act as sounding board supporting EIOPA delivering on its mandate. The main tasks of the Expert Panel on PEPP will be:

  • Meet regularly with EIOPA’s working structure – in physical meetings, conference or video calls – to share technical expertise and evidence.
  • The key areas for input will be on:
  • PEPP Key Information Document (KID), conditions for its revision and provision of the PEPP KID
  • PEPP Benefit Statement (PBS) and supplementary information
  • Cost cap for the Basic PEPP
  • Risk-mitigation techniques

EIOPA is seeking for highly knowledgeable professionals with extensive practical experience of designing personal pension products.

Further details about the call for expression of interest can be obtained via EIOPA’s Website. The deadline for applications is Tuesday, 21 May 2019 at 23:59 CET.

Discours du Vice-Président Maroš Šefčovič à la conférence de presse conjointe avec Peter Altmaier et Bruno Lemaire à la suite de la réunion de l'European Battery Alliance

Cher Ministre Le Maire, cher Ministre Altmaier, mes chers collègues,

Je voudrais féliciter la France et l’Allemagne, pour leur leadership, dans cette filière stratégique européenne de la batterie. 

Stratégique pour l’avenir de notre mobilité propre; stratégique pour accélérer la transition écologique (la montée en puissance des renouvelables) ; et stratégique pour notre compétitivité globale !

C’est pour cette raison que nous avons lancé – il y a plus d’un an – une Alliance européenne de la batterie, couvrant toute la chaine de valeur et tous les instruments de soutien possibles (européens, nationaux, régionaux, publics et privés).

L’enjeu est de taille : la demande pour les batteries en Europe pourrait avoisiner les 400 GWh en 2025, en raison de l’électrification du transport. Nous aurons besoin de 10 à 25« Gigafactories » pour satisfaire ces besoins. Le potentiel en termes d’emploi est énorme : entre 2 et 3 millions d’emplois directs et indirects pourraient être créés en Europe.

Or aucune entreprise européenne ne produit actuellement à grande échelle (nous représentons 3% de l’offre mondiale de la batterie). Pire : jusqu’au lancement de l’Alliance de la batterie, nos acteurs industriels travaillaient de façon cloisonnée (en silos). 

Et nos concurrents (asiatiques) en tiraient leur épingle du jeu.

Aujourd´hui la donne a changé. Et le projet industriel, porté par la France et l’Allemagne, en est la preuve.

Le signal est important. Pour nos partenaires européens. Mais aussi face à nos concurrents. 

Car nous avons cruellement besoin d’autres partenariats comme celui-ci :

Vos entreprises sont pionnières en termes d’innovation technologique et de savoir-faire.

Ce partenariat est aussi emblématique de notre offre typiquement européenne, fondée sur l’innovation de pointe, et la durabilité. 

Je suis confiant que ce partenariat s’élargira très rapidement à d’autres acteurs clés. Sa dimension européenne, plurinationale, est primordiale.

Je sais aussi que ce projet fera des émules. Nous continuons de parler avec tous les EM car d’autres projets, complémentaires, pourraient suivre la voie ainsi tracée. Nous les accueillerons favorablement. 

Mais le temps presse, si nous voulons que notre production européenne soit en place d’ici à 4-5 ans.

Pour en revenir au projet d’aujourd’hui – il appartient aux Etats membres et à leurs entreprises de s’accorder sur les périmètres du consortium : quels en seront les participants, quelle répartition des tâches, quelles technologies, quelle diffusion pour les résultats de l’innovation, quels montants publics alloués (couts éligibles), et quelles autres sources de financement (investissements privés). 

La Commission continuera de jouer son rôle de facilitateur, et d’accélérateur

La semaine prochaine nous organisons à Bruxelles une réunion avec les Etats membres et les industriels intéressés – pour qu’une offre de projet transnational de qualité, à la pointe de la technologie, nous soit soumis dans les plus brefs délais.

Je n’exclue pas l’organisation d’une deuxième réunion avant la fin du mois pour parachever l’exercice.

Une fois officiellement reçue, la Commission s’engage à traiter cette notification PIICE avec la plus grande priorité. Ainsi, nous pourrions donner un feu vert avant la fin de notre mandat (Octobre)

Je veux remercier ici la Commissaire Margrethe Vestager et ses services, qui travaillent d’arrache-pied avec vos administrations et acteurs industriels

Dans l’intervalle nous comptons aussi mettre sur pied une plateforme pour acheminer jusqu’à 70 milliards d’euros d’investissement supplémentaires (d’origine majoritairement privée).

Nous sommes donc en ordre de marche pour soutenir nos futurs champions européens (ceux qui émergent dès aujourd´hui de notre chaine de valeur industrielle).

L’Alliance de la batterie et ses projet-phares–nous servent de pilote pour dessiner les contours de notre future politique industrielle.

Avec en son cœur la coopération franco-allemande. Une coopération ouverte aux autres Etats membres.

Je vous remercie.

DiscoverEU: 20,000 additional travel passes available for 18-year-olds to experience Europe

This new application round follows a very successful first year for the initiative that enables young people to explore Europe’s cultural diversity and shared values. For this second year of DiscoverEU, the European Commission is focusing on enhancing the learning dimension of the project. Participants will be provided with information and travel tips about what to visit in Europe. Those interested can also receive a travel journal for them to record and reflect on their experiences, and will have the possibility to participate in organised community-building events during their trips.

In parallel, the Commission is working to make DiscoverEU more inclusive and more accessible to all by making the application system even easier to use, providing tips for budget-friendly travelling and by accommodating, as far as possible, the needs of young people with disabilities so that they are able to travel.

Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, responsible for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “I am proud to take the DiscoverEU initiative forward and give more young people a chance to have a truly European experience. I hope that becoming part of DiscoverEU will inspire them to become engaged in their communities and become ambassadors for Europe. Whether it’s voting in the European Parliament elections, encouraging their peers to do the same, or working with us to build lively societies. Young people are the future of Europe, and it is critical their voices are heard.”

Who can apply and how?

Applicants must have been born between 2 July 2000 (included) and 1 July 2001 (included) and be prepared to travel between 1 August 2019 and 31 January 2020 for a maximum period of 30 days. Those interested in taking part can apply via the European Youth Portal. An evaluation committee will assess the applications and select the winners. Applicants will be notified of the selection results in June 2019.

Successful applicants will be able to travel individually or in a group of up to five people. As a general rule, they will travel by rail. However, to ensure wide access across the continent, participants can also use alternative modes of transport, such as buses or ferries or, exceptionally, planes. This will ensure that young people living in remote areas or on islands part of the EU will also have a chance to take part.


DiscoverEU is a travel experience open to young Europeans, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to learn whilst travelling. The Commission launched the initiative in June 2018 with an initial budget of €12 million; the budget for 2019 is €16 million. So far, DiscoverEU has given around 30,000 young people the opportunity to travel around Europe, explores the continent’s rich cultural heritage, get in touch with other people, learn from other cultures and experience what unites Europe. The first year of DiscoverEU brought together thousands of young people building a community across Europe. Participants who had never met before linked up on social media, formed groups to travel from city to city or stayed at each other’s places.

The European Commission is planning to launch a fourth application round before the end of 2019.

The European Commission proposed €700 million for DiscoverEU under the future Erasmus programme in the EU’s next long-term budget (2021-2027). If the European Parliament and the Council agree to this proposal, an additional 1.5 million 18-year-olds would be able to travel between 2021 and 2027.

For more information

Q&A DiscoverEU


Information is available on the European Youth Portal as well as on the European Youth Facebook page and the European Youth Twitter account.

Daily News 02 / 05 / 2019

U.S. liquefied natural gas exports up by 272% as EU and U.S. host High-Level Business-to-Business Energy Forum to facilitate trade in Liquefied Natural Gas

In their Joint Statement of 25 July 2018 in Washington D.C., President Juncker and President Trump agreed to strengthen EU-U.S. strategic cooperation with respect to energy. They came in particular to an understanding on the benefits of expanded exports of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the EU gas market. Today, top energy business executives from both sides of the Atlantic meet in Brussels to discuss further ways to enhance LNG trade, the role that competitively-priced US LNG can play on the EU market and the growing opportunities for using LNG in the transport sector. This High-Level Energy Forum, opened by Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete and U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, gives American and European businesses the opportunity to chart further actions to fully harvest commercial opportunities in the LNG trade. A press release is available online as well as a factsheet showing the steep increase in U.S. LNG imports. The video of the press point by Commissioner Arias Cañete and U.S. Secretary Perry is available online. (For more information: Anna-Kaisa Itkonen – Tel.: +32 229 56186; Lynn Rietdorf – Tel.: +32 229 74959)

DiscoverEU: 20 000 titres de transport supplémentaires sont à la disposition des jeunes de 18 ans souhaitant découvrir l’Europe

La Commission européenne lance aujourd’hui un nouvel appel à candidatures pour gagner des titres de transport DiscoverEU. Tous les jeunes de 18 ans dans l’Union européenne ont jusqu’au 16 mai 2019 pour présenter leur candidature et avoir peut-être l’occasion de découvrir l’Europe entre le 1er août 2019 et le 31 janvier 2020. Tibor Navracsics, commissaire chargé de l’éducation, de la culture, de la jeunesse et du sport, a déclaré à ce sujet: « Je suis fier de faire progresser l’initiative DiscoverEU et d’offrir à un plus grand nombre de jeunes la chance d’avoir une véritable expérience européenne. J’espère que le fait de participer à l’initiative DiscoverEU les incitera à s’engager dans leur communauté et à jouer le rôle d’ambassadeur pour l’Europe, qu’il s’agisse de voter aux élections au Parlement européen, d’encourager leurs camarades à faire de même ou de s’employer avec nous à la mise en place de sociétés vivantes. Les jeunes sont l’avenir de l’Europe et il est essentiel que leur voix soit entendue. » La Commission a lancé l’initiative en juin 2018 avec un budget initial de 12 millions d’euros; le budget pour l’année 2019 est de 16 millions d’euros. La Commission européenne a proposé d’allouer 700 millions d’euros à DiscoverEU au titre du futur programme Erasmus dans le cadre du prochain budget à long terme de l’UE (2021-2027). Si le Parlement européen et le Conseil consentent à cette proposition, 1,5 million de jeunes de 18 ans supplémentaires auront la possibilité de voyager entre 2021 et 2027. Un communiqué de presse, des questions et réponses et une fiche d’informations sont disponibles en ligne. (Pour plus d’informations: Nathalie Vandystadt – Tél.: +32 229 67083; Joseph Waldstein – Tél.: +32 229 56184)

Coup d’envoi de la campagne “L’UE dans ma région 2019”: des milliers de projets financés par l’UE à l’honneur

Visitez l’Université de Borås en Suède pour voir comment transformer les champignons en combustible; jetez un coup d’œil à la toute nouvelle caserne de pompiers de Covilhã, au Portugal; promenez-vous dans le Centre Energetikum à Pinkafeld, en Autriche, pour comprendre comment l’énergie éolienne et solaire peut être domptée et livrée aux consommateurs. Tout au long du mois de mai, la campagne L’UE dans ma région permettra aux citoyens de découvrir des milliers de projets financés par l’UE grâce à un concours de photos et de reportages. Corina Crețu, commissaire chargée de la politique régionale, a déclaré: « Qu’il s’agisse de nouveau matériel médical pour les hôpitaux, de villages bénéficiant d’un accès nouveau au haut débit ou de petites entreprises ayant un meilleur accès au financement, les investissements de l’UE améliorent le quotidien des gens. Les citoyens n’en sont pas toujours conscients et notre devoir est de mieux communiquer ce que fait l’Europe pour eux, au jour le jour. C’est précisément ce que fait la campagne de l’UE dans ma région. » (Pour plus d’informations: Christian Spahr – Tél.: +32 2 295 00 55; Sophie Dupin de Saint-Cyr – Tél.: +32 229 56169)


EU strengthens its support to stabilisation in areas liberated from Da’esh in north-eastern Syria*

The European Union has adopted a new €18 million programme to support stabilisation work in areas liberated from Da’esh by the Global Coalition in north-eastern Syria. The new programme will contribute to the provision of basic services, such as water supplies and demining, within the governorates of Raqqa and Deir Ez-Zor. It is funded under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace and will complement on-going humanitarian and stabilisation efforts by the European Union, EU member states and other partners from the Global Coalition. High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: The European Union has always been at the side of Syrians. Since 2011, we have mobilised around €17 billion to help Syrians affected by the conflict and their host communities. In accordance with the commitments taken during the Third Brussels Conference, we are stepping up our engagement to address humanitarian needs and support stabilisation in the areas liberated from Da’esh. This work is essential to allow the local communities to go back to live in safety and we will never withhold our support to the Syrian people.” As the conflict in Syria has entered its ninth year with continued suffering and a dire humanitarian crisis, the liberation of provinces in north-eastern Syria from Da’esh by the Global Coalition constitutes an important step towards eliminating the threat of the terrorist organisation in the region and remains a priority for the European Union. (For more information: Maja Kocijančič – Tel.: +32 229 86570; Matteo Arisci – Tel.: +32 229 80833)

[updated at 18:30 on 02/05/19]


Africa-Europe Alliance: Commissioner Mimica on official visit to Mauritius, a development success story

Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica is on an official visit to the Republic of Mauritius, where he met Prime Minister Jugnauth and various Members of the Government. On this occasion, he announced a €7.9 million contribution to support the country’s priority to address unemployment and build an innovative Mauritius. Commissioner Neven Mimica said: “The EU has a long-standing relationship with Mauritius, which we believe has made a difference in the country’s development success story. We stand ready to further support Mauritius and today’s €7.9 million programme shows our commitment. It will support employability, education and innovation, and will contribute to the Africa-Europe Alliance ultimate goal of creating sustainable jobs”. This programme aims at improving the relevance of post-secondary and vocational training education in Mauritius to allow more young people from vulnerable groups to study and at enhancing applied research and innovation capacity by enabling collaboration between academia and industry. Commissioner Mimica also met the Secretary General of the Indian Ocean Commission, Hamada Madi, with whom he signed a €28 million regional programme to improve port security and safe navigation in the region. The full press release is available here. (For more information: Carlos Martin Ruiz De Gordejuela – Tel.: +32 229 65322; Elena Gonzalez Verdesoto – Tel.: +32 229 92256)


Competition: DG Competition joins the ICN Framework for Competition Agency Procedures (ICN CAP)

On 1 May 2019, as part of its work in the International Competition Network, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition joined the new ICN Framework on Competition Agency Procedures (ICN CAP), becoming one of its founding members. The ICN CAP builds on fundamental principles of procedural fairness in applying competition rules. These complement the existing ICN workstreams in this field, and reflect a broad consensus within the global competition community. The Commission has always been an active contributor to the work on procedural fairness in multilateral fora such as the ICN and the OECD. This is because the Commission believes that promoting global procedural convergence is important to ensure that competition authorities across the world can work together effectively on issues that affect consumers and markets, and to provide assurances regarding due process and legal certainty for the companies concerned. The ICN CAP will allow the participating authorities to communicate with each other, listen to potential concerns, and respond if there are questions. The ICN CAP will provide transparency about the rules governing participants’ investigation and enforcement procedures. (For more information: Lucía Caudet – Tel. +32 229 56182; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)




Members of the College in Florence, Italy, for the ‘State of the Union’ conference

The 2019 edition of the State of the Union conference, organised by the European University Institute, will take place today and tomorrow in Florence. This year the discussions will focus on “21st-Century Democracy in Europe”, stimulating the reflection on the democratic functioning of the European Union, its Member States, and their capacity to respond to the needs of future generations. Today at midday, First Vice-President Frans Timmermans will participate in a panel discussion on “Rule of law oversight in the EU: Can value conditionality be reinforced?”. Later in the afternoon, Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström and Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Věra Jourová will participate in panel discussions on “A more democratic EU external action” and “30 years after: What has the 1989 democratic transition brought to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe?”, respectively. The full programme of the conference is available here and it will be live-streamed. (For more information: Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 229 67456; Daniel Rosario – Tel.: + 32 229 56185; Christian Wigand– Tel.: +32 229 62253)

Le commissaire Moscovici à Rabat, au Maroc, pour participer aux Assises nationales sur la Fiscalité

Le commissaire Pierre Moscovici, en charge des affaires économiques et financières, lafiscalité et les douanes, sera à Rabat, au Maroc, ce jeudi 2 mai et vendredi 3 mai pour participer aux troisièmes Assises nationales sur la Fiscalité, organisées par le Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances du Maroc sous le thème « Équité fiscale ». Lors de son déplacement à Rabat, le Commissaire rencontrera également le chef du Gouvernement, Saadeddine El Othmani, le ministre de l’Économie et des Finances, Mohamed Benchaaboun, le gouverneur de la Banque Centrale du Maroc, Abdellatif Jouahri, et le président de la Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM), Salaheddine Mezouar. (Pour plus d’informations: Vanessa Mock- Tél.: +32 22956194; Enda McNamara – Tél.: +32 229 58615; Patrick McCullough – Tél.: +32 229 87183)

European Battery Alliance: Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič  to meet Peter Altmaier and Bruno Lemaire in Paris today

Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič is in Paris today to meet Peter Altmaier, the German federal minister for economic affairs and energy and Bruno Lemaire, French minister for economic affairs and finance. France and Germany announced a bilateral cooperation on an industrial project in the field of energy innovation. The announcement follows the third meeting of the European Battery Alliance (EBA) which took place earlier this week in Brussels. The European battery industry has been identified as a strategic value chain for the EU in the context of a strengthened industrial policy strategy. Batteries are a key enabling technology and will be essential for the automotive industry of the 21st century. They will play an important role in the decarbonisation of the European mobility sector and the transition towards a low carbon economy. Therefore European-produced batteries will become a key driver for the EU’s industrial competitiveness. The joint press conference by Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and the French and German Ministers will be available on EbS at 15:00. (For more information: Anca Paduraru – Tel.: +32 229  91269; Lynn Rietdorf – Tel.: +32 229 74959)

Commissioner Jourová participates in a conference on European elections and on 5G security in Prague

Tomorrow Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová, will be in Prague, Czechia, to speak at a conference on European elections in the context of hybrid threats. She will explain what the EU does to secure free and fair elections, including fighting against disinformation, building resilience in the cybersecurity sector and stepping up the EU’s counterintelligence operational capacity. Czechia is participating in the European cooperation network on elections set up following the Election package announced by President Juncker in his 2018 State of the Union speech. In the afternoon, the Commissioner will deliver a closing speech at the Prague 5G Security Conference, organised by the Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency. The event will be opened by Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and by Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Foreign Affairs. It will bring together experts on 5G networks and cybersecurity from the EU, NATO states and other countries. Commissioner Jourová will present the European Commission’s action to reinforce cybersecurity and data protection. In particular, she will focus on the Commission’ recent Recommendation on 5G cybersecurity adopted by the European Commission in March, and the General Data Protection Regulation, which has significantly increased data and cybersecurity to prevent data breaches in the EU. (For more information: Christian Wigand – Tel.: +32 229 62253; Sophie Dupin de Saint-Cyr – Tel.: +32 229 56169)



Upcoming events of the European Commission (ex-Top News)