Steven Maijoor address FESE 2019 Convention Opening Dinner

The opening address focused on the following issues:

  • The challenges of cross-border regulation and supervision
  • Strengthening the EU approach to cross-border regulation and supervision;
  • The equivalence process: closer monitoring, more transparency and consistency; and
  • Brexit and the exchange of secondary market data.

Extra-EU trade in goods by invoicing currency – Euro was the most used currency for EU exports and US dollars for EU imports in 2018

Goods imported and exported by the European Union (EU) can be invoiced in a range of currencies. In 2018, the euro was the most used currency for EU exports with a share of 48% of the total value of goods exported to non-EU countries and a share of 35% invoiced in US dollars. The picture was reversed for imports, with 56% of imports paid in US dollars and around a third in euros (35%). For total trade (exports plus imports) the US dollar (45%) was used slightly more often than the euro (41%).

Full text available on EUROSTAT website

Tuesday 18 June – Conference: 30 years of Jean Monnet Activities

On 18 June, the European Commission celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Activities – which promote and finance educational programmes on European integration – with a one-day conference under the title “30 years of Jean Monnet Activities: Why study the European Union today?” in Brussels.

Tibor Navracsics,Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, will open the event with a keynote speech. The programme continues with series of panel discussions, focusing on the new challenges of the technological advances in the digital age (such as information overload, fake news, online violence) and the solutions for these issues in the area of education.

The main discussions will be divided into three key panels:

–       How important are EU studies in 2019?

–       Innovative practices in Jean Monnet Actions

–       Next steps: The future of the Jean Monnet Actions

The background:

The European Commission celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Activities through a series of events and other initiatives around the world. Over the last 30 years, almost 5000 projects have contributed to the field of European integration studies. Currently 500 000 students benefit from the Jean Monnet Actions every year, which is now present in 87 countries worldwide. The 30th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Actions in 2019 provides an opportunity to discuss its impact on European studies worldwide but also its wider impact on our society.

The event:

The conference will take place on 18 June 2019, 9.30-16.30, in the Bibliothèque Solvay, Rue Belliard 137A, 1000 Brussels. The full programme is available here. For more information and accreditation please contact:

The sources:

Erasmus+ webpage on Jean Monnet Activities;

Learn more about the 30th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Activities.


Indicative programme – Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport and Telecommunications issues), 6-7 June 2019

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The Q&As relate to the following:

  • distinction between depositary functions and mere supporting tasks that are not subject to the delegation requirements set out in the AIFMD and UCITS Directive;
  • delegation of safekeeping functions;
  • performance of depositary functions where there are branches in other Member States;
  • supervision of depositary functions in case of branches in other Member States; and
  • delegation of depositary functions to another legal entity within the same group.

The purpose of these Q&A documents is to promote common supervisory approaches and practices in relation to both the AIFMD and the UCITS Directive and their implementing measures.

ESMA will periodically review these Q&A and update them where required.