Council gives mandate to Commission to negotiate international agreements on e-evidence in criminal matters

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Eurojust helps stop international trafficking of heroin substitute

The Hague, 29 May 2019

Judicial and law enforcement authorities from France, Poland and Ukraine, working together in a joint investigation team (JIT), took action against an organised crime group involved in international trafficking of a heroin substitute. Eurojust actively supported the operation that led to 9 arrests and 20 house and car searches. More than 7 200 pills of a total value of $100 000 on the Ukrainian illegal market were seized, along with cars, cash, equipment, and other valuable evidence of the criminal activities. Europol assisted in the joint action day by deploying a mobile office in France.

Eurojust, the EU’s Judicial Cooperation Unit, facilitated the operation in real time by coordinating the exchange of information and helping solve judicial issues. The criminal proceedings against members of the OCG, involved in international trafficking of a heroin substitute, were initiated by an investigative judge of the Specialised Section for Public Health of the Court of Paris. Some members of the OCG were targeted by parallel investigations that were carried out by the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, with the assistance of the Security Service of Ukraine, as well as by the Silesian Division of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office of Poland.

More than 150 magistrates and law enforcement officers were deployed during the joint operation, including the French Gendarmerie Nationale, Office central de lutte contre les atteintes à l’environnement et à la santé publique (OCLAESP), and Section de recherche de la gendarmerie de Marseille, the Central Bureau of Investigation of Katowice Police Department and Special Surveillance Team in Poland, as well as the National Police, State Fiscal Service and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

Photos © State Security Service of Ukraine

Eurojust helps stop international trafficking of heroin substitute

The Hague, 29 May 2019

Judicial and law enforcement authorities from France, Poland and Ukraine, working together in a joint investigation team (JIT), took action against an organised crime group involved in international trafficking of a heroin substitute. Eurojust actively supported the operation that led to 9 arrests and 20 house and car searches. More than 7 200 pills of a total value of $100 000 on the Ukrainian illegal market were seized, along with cars, cash, equipment, and other valuable evidence of the criminal activities. Europol assisted in the joint action day by deploying a mobile office in France.

Eurojust, the EU’s Judicial Cooperation Unit, facilitated the operation in real time by coordinating the exchange of information and helping solve judicial issues. The criminal proceedings against members of the OCG, involved in international trafficking of a heroin substitute, were initiated by an investigative judge of the Specialised Section for Public Health of the Court of Paris. Some members of the OCG were targeted by parallel investigations that were carried out by the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, with the assistance of the Security Service of Ukraine, as well as by the Silesian Division of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office of Poland.

More than 150 magistrates and law enforcement officers were deployed during the joint operation, including the French Gendarmerie Nationale, Office central de lutte contre les atteintes à l’environnement et à la santé publique (OCLAESP), and Section de recherche de la gendarmerie de Marseille, the Central Bureau of Investigation of Katowice Police Department and Special Surveillance Team in Poland, as well as the National Police, State Fiscal Service and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

Photos © State Security Service of Ukraine

EIOPA publishes monthly technical information for Solvency II Relevant Risk Free Interest Rate Term Structures – end-May 2019

Today, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published technical information on the relevant risk free interest rate term structures (RFR) with reference to the end of May 2019.

This RFR information has been calculated on the basis of the last updated documents published on EIOPA’s website.

On 21 May 2019, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) also published the calculation of the Ultimate Forward Rate (UFR) for 2020

All the documents are available here.


Technical information relating to risk-free interest rate (RFR) term structures is used for the calculation of the technical provisions for (re)insurance obligations.

In line with the Solvency II Directive, EIOPA publishes technical information relating to RFR term structures on a monthly basis via a dedicated section on EIOPA’s Website also containing the release calendar for 2019, the RFR Technical Documentation, the RFR coding and Frequently Asked Questions.

With this publication, EIOPA ensures consistent calculation of technical provisions across Europe.

Over 85% of European bathing sites rated as excellent for water quality

An overwhelming number — 95.4% — of the 21 831 bathing water sites monitored in the 28 EU Member States met the minimum quality requirements under EU rules, according to this year’s report by the European Commission and European Environment Agency (EEA). In addition, 300 bathing sites monitored in Albania and Switzerland were also included in the report.

The level of bathing sites meeting the most stringent ‘excellent’ quality standards rose slightly from 85.0% in 2017 to 85.1% last year. The number of those meeting the minimum ‘sufficient’ standing fell from 96% to 95.4% from 2017 to 2018. This minor drop is mostly due to the opening of new bathing waters sites for which the dataset of four bathing seasons required for the classification by the Directive is not yet available. In 2018, 301 (or 1.3%) of all bathing water sites in the EU, Albania and Switzerland were rated as having ‘poor’ water quality. This is slightly lower than the 1.4% in 2017.

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries said: “As yesterday’s World Environment Day showed, we face many challenges. But it is also good to celebrate the green success stories of the European Union. The quality of European Bathing Water sites is one such story to which everyone can relate. Through good testing, reporting, monitoring and sharing of expertise, we are sure to continue improving the quality of our favourite swimming spots. Our new Environmental Implementation Review will help Member States learn from each other how best to attain and keep the excellent standards we have achieved during the course of my mandate. I congratulated the EEA for helping to improve standards and also for providing this information in a regular and reliable way. That reliability allows you to make clear choices wherever you take the plunge this summer”.

Hans Bruyninckx, EEA Executive Director, said: “Our report confirms that Member States’ efforts over the last 40 years, mainly in wastewater treatment, have paid off. Today, most Europeans enjoy excellent bathing water quality. However, this is only one of the many components, ranging from tackling plastic pollution to protecting marine life, we need to work on in order to achieve healthier seas, lakes and rivers”.

Bathing water requirements are set out in the EU’s Bathing Water Directive. Implementation of its rules has helped to vastly improve the quality of Europe’s bathing water over the last 40 years. Effective monitoring and management introduced under the directive combined with the investments in the urban waste water treatment have led to a drastic reduction in untreated or partially treated municipal and industrial waste ending up in the water. Under the rules, local authorities collect water samples at officially identified bathing sites throughout the swimming season. Samples are analysed for two types of bacteria that indicate pollution from sewage or livestock. Accompanying this year’s report, the EEA has published an updated interactive map showing the performance of each bathing site. Updated country reports are also available.

Proportion of bathing water sites with excellent water quality in European countries

ES.1 Proportion of bathing water sites

Other Key Findings:

  • In four countries, 95% or more of bathing sites were found to have excellent water quality: Cyprus (99.1% of all sites), Malta (98.9% of all sites), Austria (97.3% of all sites), and Greece (97% of all sites).
  • All reported bathing water sites in Cyprus, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania and Slovenia were of at least sufficient quality in 2018.
  • The three countries with the highest numbers of poor quality bathing water sites are Italy (89 bathing water sites or 1.6%), France (54 sites or 1.6%) and Spain (50 sites or 2.2%). In comparison with 2017, the number of poor quality bathing water sites in France decreased (from 80 in 2017 to 54 in 2018), while there was an increase in poor quality bathing waters in Italy (from 79 to 89) and in Spain (from 38 to 50).


The contamination of water by faecal bacteria continues to pose a risk to human health, especially if it is found at bathing water sites. Swimming at contaminated beaches or lakes can result in illness. The major sources of pollution are sewage and water draining from farms and farmland. Such pollution increases during heavy rains and floods due to sewage overflow and polluted drainage water being washed into rivers and seas.

All EU Member States, plus Albania and Switzerland, monitor their bathing sites according to the provisions of the EU’s Bathing Water Directive. The assessment of the bathing water quality under the Bathing Water Directive makes use of the values of two microbiological parameters: Intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli.  Bathing water quality is classified, depending on the levels of faecal bacteria detected, as ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘sufficient’ or ‘poor’, Where water is classified as ‘poor’, Member States should take measures such as banning bathing or advising against it, providing information to the public, and taking suitable corrective actions.