Sécheresse en Europe : Les États membres donnent leur feu vert aux mesures de soutien proposées par la Commission
Les États membres ont approuvé aujourd’hui une série de mesures de soutien proposées par la Commission pour atténuer les difficultés financières auxquelles sont confrontés les agriculteurs en raison de la sécheresse. Ces mesures ont également pour objectif d’accroître la disponibilité du fourrage pour animaux. Phil Hogan, Commissaire à l’agriculture, a déclaré : “Depuis le début des événements climatiques extrêmes, nous suivons la situation de près et sommes prêts à soutenir nos agriculteurs. La Commission a été en contact étroit avec tous les États membres tout au long du processus et nous avons réagi rapidement lorsque cela était nécessaire. Ces mesures devraient soulager financièrement les agriculteurs européens et les protéger contre une pénurie de fourrage pour leur bétail.” Les actions sur lesquelles les États membres ont voté aujourd’hui incluent la possibilité d’augmenter les avances sur les paiements de la Politique Agricole Commune (paiements direct et développement rural), ainsi que plusieurs dérogations exceptionnelles aux règles du verdissement pour que les agriculteurs puissent trouver des aliments pour leurs animaux de manière plus flexible. La Commission reste par ailleurs en contact avec tous les pays afin d’avoir des informations à jour sur l’impact de la sécheresse en Europe. Plus d’informations sont disponibles en ligne. (Pour plus d’informations: Enrico Brivio – Tel. +32 229 56172; Clémence Robin – Tel.: +32 229 52509)
Four MEDIA-supported films will compete for the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival
The 76th Venice Film Festival starts today featuring 12 films supported by the MEDIA programme – the EU’s programme for supporting the European film and audiovisual industries. Four of the MEDIA-supported films have additionally been shortlisted to compete for the Golden Lion:‘The Truth’ by Hirokazu Kore-eda (France, Japan), ‘About Endlessness’ by Roy Andersson (Sweden, Germany, Norway), ‘Martin Eden’ by Pietro Marcello (Italy, France) and ‘The Painted Bird’ by Václav Marhoul (Czech Republic, Ukraine, Slovakia). The Orizzonti competition that is dedicated to latest aesthetic and expressive trends in international cinema will feature MEDIA-supported ‘Blanco en blanco’ by Theo Court (Spain, Chile, France, Germany) and ‘Madre’ by Rodrigo Sorogoyen (Spain, France). The film ‘Effetti Domino’ by Alessandro Rosseto (Italy) will be screened in the Sconfini section that is dedicated to art-house and genre movies, experimental and artists’ films. Five more films supported by MEDIA will participate in the independent sections Giornate degli Autori as well as in the Venice International Film Critics Week held in parallel to the festival. At the sidelines of the festival, the European Commission will also organise on Saturday the European Film Forum. Further details on the MEDIA-supported films at the Venice Film Festival are available here, the MEDIA programme here and on the European Film Forum here. More information on the Commission’s support for the audiovisual and creative sectors in 2020 is available here. (For more information: Nathalie Vandystadt – Tel. +32 229 67 083; Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615; Inga Höglund – Tel.: +32 229 50698)
Copyright: Commission launches dialogue between platforms and rights holders
The European Commission opened today a call for expression of interest to participate in the stakeholder dialogue on the application of Article 17 of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market on the use of protected content by online content-sharing service providers. The stakeholders will discuss best practices on how content-sharing platforms and service providers should cooperate with rights holders This dialogue is requested under the new directive and will feed into the preparation of guidance on the application of Article 17. The Commission will hold the first stakeholder meeting on 15 October in Brussels. The objective of the meeting is to gather and map existing practices for the use of copyright-protected content by online content-sharing service providers in cooperation with rights holders, as well as to gather user experiences. The deadline for applying is 18 September. More information and the call for expression of interest are available here. (For more information: Nathalie Vandystadt – Tel. +32 229 67 083; Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615; Inga Höglund – Tel.: +32 229 50 698)
Mergers: Commission clears the acquisition of sole control over Sotheby’s by Next Alt
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control over Sotheby’s of the US by Next Alt SARL of Luxembourg. Sotheby’s is a broker of fine and decorative art, jewellery and collectibles active worldwide. Next Alt is the personal holding of Mr Drahi, which controls the Altice group. The Altice group is active in the provision of a range of telecoms, content, media, entertainment and advertising services worldwide. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, because the companies’ activities do not overlap. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9457. (For more information: Lucía Caudet – Tel. +32 229 56182; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)
Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of the Transmission Operator for the Galloper offshore windfarm by DTC and IRCP
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control over Diamond Transmission Partners Galloper (Holding) Limited by Diamond Transmission Corporation Limited(“DTC”) and InfraRed Capital Partners Limited (“IRCP”), all of the UK. Diamond Transmission Partners Galloper is the holding company of the Offshore Transmission Owner for the Galloper offshore windfarm, active in the transmission of electricity from this windfarm to the UK’s onshore National Electricity Transmission System. Diamond Transmission Partners Galloper is currently solely controlled by DTC. DTC is a holding company with activities in the electricity transmission sector. IRCP is an infrastructure investment management company active in financial advice and managing investments on behalf of investment funds. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, because the companies’ activities do not overlap. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9472. (For more information: Lucía Caudet – Tel. +32 229 56182; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)
Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of GES by Würth Group
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of Grupo Electro Stocks, S.L.U. (”GES”) of Spain by FEGA & Schmitt Elektrogroßhandel GmbH, belonging to the group Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG (“Würth Group”) of Germany. GES distributes electrical and fluid materials in Spain mainly to other professionals in the construction sector. Würth Group is active in the wholesale distribution of products and systems manufactured by third parties mainly to professional end users in trade and industry. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given the companies’ moderate combined market position, the limited presence of Würth Group in the relevant markets in Spain and the presence of several other players in these markets. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9437. (For more information: Lucía Caudet – Tel. +32 229 56182; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)
Concentrations : La Commission autorise l’acquisition de Domidep par I Squared Capital Advisors
La Commission Européenne a approuvé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations, l’acquisition de Domidep SAS société basée en France, par I Squared Capital Advisors (US) LLC («ISQ»), basée aux Etats-Unis. Domidep exploite des maisons de retraite en France et en Belgique où elle propose aux personnes âgées dépendantes des services d’hébergement tout compris et un accompagnement personnalisé. ISQ est un gestionnaire international indépendant d’investissements en infrastructures spécialisé dans les secteurs de l’énergie, des services publics, des télécommunications et des services transports. La Commission a conclu que l’acquisition envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problème de concurrence dans la mesure où les sociétés ne sont pas actives sur le même marché ou sur des marchés liés ou complémentaires. La transaction a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure simplifiée de contrôle des concentrations. De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site internet concurrence de la Commission, dans le registre public des affaires sous le numéro d’affaire M.9469. (Pour plus d’informations: Lucía Caudet – Tel. +32 229 56182; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)
Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Forgital by Carlyle
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of Forgital Italy S.p.A. of Italy by The Carlyle Group of the US. Forgital is active in the forging, laminating and machining of rolled rings in the aerospace sector and the supply of components in oil and gas, transmission, power generation and general mechanics. Carlyle is a global investment firm that manages funds present in different business segments, including the manufacture of machined parts for aircraft engines. The Commission concluded that the transaction would raise no competition concerns because the overlaps between the activities of the companies are very limited. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9427. (For more information: Lucía Caudet – Tel. +32 229 56182; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)
Commissioner Mimica in Japan for the TOKYO International Conference on African Development
Today, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica is in Yokohama, Japan, for the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) under the theme ‘Africa and Yokohama, Sharing Passion for the Future’. Commissioner Mimica will speak at the plenary sessions, and address several side events on a range of topics, such as peace and stability in the Horn of Africa, youth employment and agribusiness in Africa, and cooperation in the Western Indian Ocean. Commissioner Mimica will also hold meetings with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and Foreign Minister Tarō Kōno, and with the President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency Shinichi Kitaoka. In addition, the Commissioner is scheduled to meet the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari. The meeting will be followed by a signing ceremony for additional EU support for the North East of the country. A press release on this will follow. (For more information: Carlos Martin Ruiz De Gordejuela – Tel.: +32 229 65322; Christina Wunder – Tel.: +32 229 92256)
Upcoming events of the European Commission (ex-Top News)