EU Battery Alliance: Major progress in establishing battery manufacturing in Europe in only one year

One year on from the launch of the European Battery Alliance (EBA), the Commission Action Plan is in place, the first pilot production facilities are being built and further projects are announced to establish the EU as the lead player in the strategic area of battery innovation and manufacturing.

Batteries will be as essential to the automotive industry of the 21st century as the combustion engine was in the 20th century. If the EU is to maintain its leadership in the automotive sector, but also in clean energy systems, it has to have independent capacity to develop and produce batteries. Today Vice-President Šefčovič is hosting a high-level meeting with Member States and CEOs to present main achievements and to discuss next decisive steps.

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič said: “I am proud to see the traction created by the European Battery Alliance. As we mark its first year anniversary, we can show how the various pieces of puzzle are coming together thanks to our collaborative work with the European Investment Bank, several governments and the industry. We are now building a whole competitive value chain in Europe, with sustainable battery manufacturing at its core. And we are doing this at light speed.”

Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Elżbieta Bieńkowska said: “This alliance is at the heart of our industrial policy. A strong battery industry is a perfect fit for our ambition to promote clean mobility. E-cars are the standard example, but we’re also already thinking about how the battery alliance could be useful for trucks, sea shipping and ferries. If Europe wants to lead and compete with other big industrial players around the world, we need to hurry up.”

For Europe, battery production is a strategic imperative for clean energy transition and the modernisation and competitiveness of its industry, including the automotive sector. This will, at the same time, be providing a boost to jobs and growth, stimulate research and innovation and prepare the European industry to support climate commitments set by the EU to tackle climate change also in the context of the Paris Agreement. Moreover, the Commission’s “New Industrial Policy Strategy” goal is to make the EU the world leader in innovation, digitisation and decarbonisation.

The Strategic Action Plan for Batteries covered all the activities which can help Member States, regions and European industry establish competitive, innovative and sustainable battery manufacturing projects in the EU. These include measures on the access to raw materials, research and innovation, skills, the regulatory framework that will ensure that the batteries placed on the market are not only competitive, high quality and safe but also sustainable and recyclable. The Action Plan was built on discussions with key industrial stakeholders, interested Member States and the European Investment Bank.

On the side of the industry, there has already been substantial progress in many areas.

On the EU ecosystem:

In less than a year, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) InnoEnergy has managed to mobilise and steer a network of around 260 innovation and industrial actors, coming from all segments of the batteries value chain. These key actors have committed to investing into actions and projects that they have collectively identified as top priorities, ranging from cells manufacturing, second-life batteries, ecolabel, carbon footprint reduction in manufacturing, a clearing house for batteries recycling, vehicle-to-grid, and enhanced cooperation between universities and companies to set up relevant education and training programmes.

On manufacturing projects:

Battery materials

  • Umicore announced in June 2018 a major investment in Poland – Nysa – for the production of cathode materials. The plant will build upon the state-of-the-art technologies and is due to start deliveries in late 2020.Furthermore, a new Process Competence Centre will be built in Belgium to develop and scale up high-efficiency production technologies.
  • BASF is a strong player in the battery materials market. The company expects the market for lithium-ion batteries to grow rapidly and plans to add production capabilities in Europe.
  • Solvay is working on developing state-of-the-art electrolytes and electrode binders and separators that are needed for highly efficient batteries. The company is considering building a plant in Europe.

Battery cells

  • Work has already begun to build a demonstration line in a project led by Northvolt of Sweden (with a EUR 52.5 million loan from the European Investment Bank).
    The production is to start in the second part of 2019.Northvolt has also obtained the permit to construct a larger scale facility in Skellefteå in Sweden. The objective is to scale up production up to 32 GWh in 2023.
  • The BMW Group, Northvolt and Umicore have formed a joint technology consortium in order to work closely together on the continued development of a complete and sustainable value chain for battery cells for electrified vehicles in Europe.
  • The battery maker company SAFT has announced in February 2018 a consortium with Solvay, Umicore, Manz and others to develop and manufacture battery cells – starting with advanced Li-ion technology followed by Li-ion solid state.
  • Siemens is working with the entire cell manufacturing value chain on manufacturing challenges and solutions, and has recently engaged in piloting the first fully automated and digitized production lines in Europe.
  • Companies and research institutions in Germany are working with great ambition to establish a battery cell production in Germany in due time.
  • Other EU operators are also building facilities to produce battery cells, notably for energy storage applications (FAAM in Italy and MES in the Czech Republic).

This list of announced manufacturing projects and investments is by no means exhaustive.

The Commission has started with the rapid implementation of the Strategic Action Plan for Batteries. Key actions are now underway:

  1. The regulatory framework – the work on a new Eco-design Regulation is rapidly developing, to set the performance and sustainability criteria that batteries will have to comply to be placed on the EU market.The preparatory study is under preparation and a first stakeholder public consultation meeting will be organised on 20 December in Brussels. In the context of battery Ecodesign, the Commission’s Joint Research Centre has also published today the results of a survey of battery-related standards. The Commission Report on the Evaluation of the EU Batteries Directive should also be published before the end of the year. It will address i.a. the collection of waste batteries, the recycling levels achieved within the EU or the labelling system. The results of the study in support of the Evaluation will be made available by the end of October.
  2. Raw Materials –a High Level Conference on Raw Materials in Brussels on 14th November will present recommendations based on a dialogue launched by the Commission with the Member States on battery-related raw materials in view of developing attractive framework conditions for exploration, extraction and recycling of battery raw materials in Europe. The Commission is calling industry to also build raw materials refining capacity in the EU.
  3. Interregional Partnership on Batteries – at a workshop on 8th October an Interregional Partnership on batteries has been set up. Slovenia has proposed to take the lead together with 7 regions in total on advanced materials. This partnership will benefit from support from special teams established within the Commission and can also benefit from external advisory services to accelerate towards scale-up and commercialisation activities. Another partnership led by Lombardy on de-and-remanufacturing of batteries is already well advanced in establishing a network of pilot demonstration plants for recycling. Based on their respective special strengths, more regions are currently expressing interest in joining these partnerships. Support is provided from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
  4. Research – on 24 January 2019 a call will open with a total budget of EUR 114 million from the EU Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020 for battery related topics, also supporting European Battery Alliance objectives. In 2020, additional topics for battery-related projects with a total budget of EUR 70 million will be published. For the next MFF the Commission has also the intention to propose a ”Partnership” on batteries under Horizon Europe. In parallel, a new European Technology and Innovation Platform is being set up. The objective is to advance on battery research priorities, define long-term visions, elaborate a strategic research agenda and road-maps. The leadership of this Platform will be taken by the industrial stakeholders, research community and Member States.
  5. Skills – In the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, the next call for proposals for the Sector Skills Alliances implementing the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skillswill be published in the end of October 2018. This new call will cover six sectors including ‘batteries for electro-mobility’. The selected Blueprint Alliances will identify skills gaps and future skills needs in the sector, develop a sectoral skills strategy, work on European occupational ‘core’ profiles and labour-market relevant European vocational ‘core’ curricula, and draft an action plan for implementation at national or regional level.


The European Battery Alliance was launched by Vice President Šefčovič with Member States and industry in October 2017. This cooperative platform now gathers the European Commission, interested EU countries, the European Investment Bank and over 260 industrial and innovation stakeholders. The objective is to create a competitive, innovative and sustainable value chain in Europe with sustainable battery cells at its core. To prevent technological dependence on our competitors and capitalise on the jobs, growth and investment potential of batteries, Europe has to move fast in the global race. According to available forecasts, the battery market could be worth of €250 billion a year from 2025 onwards. To cover the EU demand alone, it requires a conservative estimate of at least 20 ‘gigafactories’ (large-scale battery cell production facilities) established in Europe. The scale and speed of the necessary investment require a combined effort to address this industrial challenge.

The main outcome of the European Battery Alliance so far has been the Strategic Action Plan for Batteries adopted in May 2018 and the industrial investments announced in the area of battery materials and battery cells. The Action Plan – part of the third ‘Europe on the Move’ package, completing the Juncker’s Commission’s ambitious agenda for the modernisation of mobility – comprises of a set of robust measures in the area of critical raw materials, EU research and innovation or regulatory requirements to support the competitiveness of our companies.

For More Information


European Battery Alliance website 

Europe on the Move website

European Battery Alliance Q&A


Why does the EU need to produce batteries instead of importing them?

The battery will represent a high proportion of the value added in the car of the future. Since the car industry is a major player in the European economy, our aim is to retain as much of the value creation in Europe as possible. If battery production is primarily sourced from third countries, European manufacturers will be vulnerable to disturbances in the supply chain. At the same time, Europe will have less influence over standards setting to minimise the environmental impact of battery manufacture.

Currently, the EU has no capability to mass produce battery cells. Europe relies on battery cells from foreign, mainly Asian suppliers. The lack of European cell manufacturing base puts the EU at a competitive disadvantage – it jeopardises the position of EU’s industry because of security of supply chain issues and increases costs due to transportation, time delays, weaker quality control or limitation on the design.

Europe has what it takes to become a world leader in sustainable battery technology. The EU is already a leader in many sectors of the battery value chain and has great potential in recycling and the circular economy. We are acting fast to establish a full and innovative, competitive and sustainable battery value chain, with large-scale battery cells production at its core.

It is important to act now and fast. With the shift towards e-mobility, battery demand is expected to surge. Batteries can be a major source of jobs, economic growth and investment for the EU. Some 4-5 million jobs may be created as a result of the EU taking the lead in this sector.

How can the EU compete with its Asian competitors who currently have the lead and can deliver a cheaper product?

The technology of batteries evolves rapidly. In any high-tech field, today’s leaders cannot rest on their laurels. Investment in R&D underpinned by a strong scientific base and commitment by all stakeholders can take Europe into the lead.

The EU has invested a lot of money to support research and innovation in batteries. Now it is time to capitalise on these investments and create the partnerships and factories to produce the batteries Europe needs. The next field for competition will be the Li-ion solid state.

What EU-based consortia are emerging and where does the money come from?

  • Northvolt has started the construction of a demonstration line in Sweden in Vasteras, with a €52.5 million loan from the European Investment Bank. The production is to start in the second half of 2019. Moreover, Northvolt has also obtained a permit to construct a larger scale facility in Skellefteå in Sweden. The company is also teaming up with the BMW Group and Umicore in a consortium covering a complete and sustainable value chain for battery cells for electrified vehicles in Europe. It is being financed from their own resources.
  • The battery maker SAFT announced in February 2018 a consortium with Solvay, Umicore, Siemens and Manz to develop and industrialize next generations of battery cells with solid state technology and some preliminary development on advanced lithium-ion.
  • Companies and research institutions in Germany are working with great ambition to establish a battery cell production in Germany in due time.
  • Siemens is working with the entire cell manufacturing value chain on manufacturing challenges and solutions, and has recently engaged in piloting the first fully automated and digitized production lines in Europe.
  • Umicore announced in June 2018 a major investment in Poland – Nysa – for the production of cathode materials. The plant will build upon the state-of-the-art technologies and is due to start deliveries in late 2020.Furthermore, a new Process Competence Centre will be built in Belgium to develop and scale up high-efficiency production technologies.
  • BASF is a strong player in the battery materials market. The company expects the market for lithium-ion batteries to grow rapidly and plans to add production capabilities in Europe.
  • Solvay is working on developing state-of-the-art electrolytes and electrode binders and separators that are needed for highly efficient batteries. The company is considering building a plant in Europe.

What role the state aid will play and is the public funding in general justified?

Leaving aside any other uses of batteries in the future, the car industry needs batteries to stay globally competitive and a globally competitive car industry is very important for the EU economy. However, the creation of an EU-based battery industry is a long term strategic goal. One which we cannot expect car manufacturers to support on their own. Given the promise a long term rewards for the EU, public investment in developing the battery industry is a no-brainer.

Where projects require State Aid, different rules may apply. For example, collaborative Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) projects may receive high levels of support (up to 70% of the costs of applied research for large enterprises and even higher for SMEs). Moreover, production investments in disadvantaged areas of the EU can be eligible for support under Regional aid rules.

As part of the 2018 Action Plan on batteries, Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) may be set up. Such a project can benefit from high levels of aid (up to 100% of the funding gap). They must involve several Member States, generate positive spill-overs across the EU and be extremely ambitious in terms of research and innovation.

How will the EU ensure that the battery sector does not cause environmental disasters because of its raw material intensity?

Future batteries will play a key role in enabling a green and secure energy supply for Europe. Their development can create jobs and support growth in key industries. But the pursuit of commercially competitive, high-performance batteries needs to go hand-in-hand with the quest to lower their environmental impact.

Considering the entire lifecycle of batteries, the environmental gains of using batteries offsets the environmental impact triggered by their production. Recycling plays an essential role to ensure this. Recovering materials at the end of the life of batteries reduces the impact of mining and manufacturing: CO2 emissions are lowered, less hazardous substances are used and the local impact of mining activities is reduced. This is why the EU has a policy aimed to ensure the recycling of spent batteries, the Batteries Directive. However, the full potential of recycling still needs to be untapped.

Other opportunities to tackle a range of environmental issues exist, such as using non-toxic materials; increasing energy density; extending battery lifespan or improving charging efficiency. Changes in design and production could bring about substantial environmental benefits: more efficient use of raw materials, reduced impacts of pollutants on human health and nature, plus fewer GHG emissions and lower energy consumption associated with the manufacture and use of batteries.

When it comes to the extraction of the minerals and the treatment of metals used in batteries, these processes usually take place outside of the EU, and in some cases in countries unable or unwilling to implement adequate health, labour and environmental protection conditions. The EU should not offshore the environmental impact of the production of the batteries used in Europe. Environmental, health and social conditions within the EU are amongst the highest in the world, but nothing prevents the development of fully compliant extractive activities here as it is already the case for some metals.

How is the development of infrastructure keeping up with an ongoing shift to e-mobility?

Having the right infrastructure is key for e-mobility to take off. People won’t by electric cars if they can’t recharge them, but why invest in infrastructure if people aren’t buying e-vehicles? To break this vicious circle, investment is needed.

We now have almost 135.000 public rechargers in place across the EU. However, it is estimated that by 2020, 440.000 publicly accessible recharging points would be needed – a significant increase compared to today. Reaching this objective would require significant investments, especially in urban areas. Besides expanding the network, it will also need to be improved. Most importantly, the network needs to be interoperable cross-borders.

The roll-out of alternative fuels infrastructure is supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU’s financial mechanism to support the development and modernisation of infrastructure. In total, CEF has so far supported 641 projects with a total amount of €22.3 billion. Additionally, €450 million is made available to finance alternative fuel infrastructure through the InnovFin Energy Demo Projects (EDP) and CEF Debt Instrument. They are managed by the European Investment Bank.

Is the EU only investing in batteries as key technology for mobility and decarbonisation?

In the context of decarbonisation, the EU also supports research and innovation in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies both for energy and mobility applications. Within the Horizon 2020 framework programme the EU invests €665 million in the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking – a public-private partnership with the hydrogen industry.

Moreover, within the European Green Vehicles Initiative, energy efficiency of vehicles and alternative powertrain projects are funded, such as natural gas.

Within more basic experimental research programmes, a large portfolio of research topics is funded to explore the potential of future technologies to decarbonise transport.

Opening remarks by Commissioner Gabriel at the FT-ETNO Summit 2018: Strengthening Europe's Digital leadership

Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my pleasure to be with you today and to participate for the second time in this unique moment of the telecommunication year in Brussels.

I would like to thanks ETNO for having again organised this event and for the timely and relevant choice of the theme: the issue of digital leadership has never been so central for our common future in Europe.

As you all know, the digital shift comes with a massive redistribution of cards, changing the established order on both the economical and societal points of views, with new winners and new losers, among people, companies and countries.

Europe is no exception and we are clearly under pressure to deliver collectively in order to keep the pace of digital change.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Leadership starts with a lucid look at where we are.

The reality is that EU’s digital leadership is not fully achieved: on the global digital map, we are still not at the place, which we are aiming at. Of course, Europe has a strong position in many industrial sectors, such as photonic or robotics and its performance in connectivity is globally satisfactory. But we are still underinvesting in new technologies and are lacking European digital world-class online players. In this end, leadership will not come by chance. It will depend on today’s decisions and today’s action.

Adopting a helicopter view, we are facing three major challenges

First challenge, the creation of a level-playing field and of the conditions for fair competition enabling each actor, small or big to compete. The Rockefeller or Standard Oil from the old times have been replaced by powerful online companies, which are sometimes using their market power to undermine competition. The rise of online platforms and the use of data will remain a serious challenge for public policies during the decade to come.

Second challenge, the need to adapt to digital times and in particular to renew our social contract. We are all witnessing the rise of criticism amongst people affected by globalisation, fearing for their future and for the future of their children. Be aware, this is not just a social issue: no business will flourish without a social consensus between all actors, on how to share benefits and insure risks. It should be a priority for all of us.

Third challenge, the need to invest massively in human capital, research and development. Being at the periphery of the global digital economy is not an option for the EU. But today, the centre of gravity of the digitizing world stands on the other side of the Atlantic, and now increasingly in China. Knee-jerk reactions will not be enough to meet this challenge: as we all know, US’s leadership is deep rooted in political decisions taken since the 60’s to stay at the technological frontier, if necessary with huge investments such as DARPA or programmes such as Apollo.

Global leadership on digital: the Digital Single Market

The good news is that we have started to answer these challenges in the EU since 2015, with the establishment of our digital single market.

In the last four years, we have put forward more than 60 initiatives aiming at protecting European citizens, with a focus on competitiveness, innovation and fundamental values. This is certainly the most comprehensive and ambitious attempt to drive a continent to the digital age.

The Digital Single Market is already a reality with portability of content, end of roaming surcharges, end of unjustified geo-blocking, and protection of personal data. In doing this, the EU has become a world leader for digital regulation and an example for our partners who are sharing our values.

The digitalisation of our industry is also an essential focus of the DSM. We are building on our numerous industrial assets, our know-how and our worldwide reputation of quality and innovation. Among recent success, the decision to invest collectively in high performance computing based on European technology is a real breakthrough which will irrigate the whole European economy.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Building a gigabit society

Let me come to a dimension of the Digital Single Market, which, I know, is close to our hearts: connectivity.

To serve both citizens and business, top-notched infrastructures are essential and are at the centre of the DSM: no service, no digitalisation of our society will be possible without high-speed, secure and intelligent connectivity.

You know in detail the numerous actions that we are taking within the Digital Single Market to foster the development of high-speed networks through private and public investment.

But these infrastructures do not only need to be fast, they also need to be safe and intelligent.

Cybersecurity is the sine qua non condition for trust online and for the development of online business. Our digitalisation will depend on transforming our ability to protect the EU against cyber threats. With the cybersecurity package, we are precisely enabling our ecosystems to be more resilient with better certification and a more efficient ENISA.

Intelligence will also be embedded in future infrastructures and the EU needs clearly to intensify its efforts on artificial intelligence, a domain where we are still lagging behind as compared with China and the US. For this to happen, we need to have a much intense collective discussion about AI. The first version of the ethics guidelines of the high-level expert group that we created earlier this year will be published for an online public consultation by the end of the year. I call on all of you to participate! It is very important that the experts hear from industry, about your expectations and needs when it comes to AI.  

The importance of the new telecom Code

The telecom Code agreed last June is of course central in our attempt to equip the EU with the best communication infrastructures.

Let’s take the time to pause on it.

First of all, it is one year, since I took the floor at the 2017 edition of the FT ETNO summit, when negotiations for a new Code were entering their final stage and I remember the passionate discussions we had by then. Fully satisfied or not, we can recognise that the new code is in line with our initial endeavour: to ensure both a pro-competitive and pro-investment environment.

During all this time of preparation and negotiation, we have been listening very carefully to what all of you said and your valuable input has been essential to find a bold and balanced outcome.

One of the key messages we received from you and other market actors, including financial institutions, was to increase predictability in order to foster investment.

My hope is that we have delivered investment certainty and smart regulation. On spectrum, the code ensures 20 years of investment predictability with a clear timetable for availability of pioneer bands by the end of 2020, under the same conditions all over Europe. Certainty is also set in stone for the development of small cells, an absolute necessity to pave the way for 5G and WIFI development. Finally, we have adopted procedures capable of exercising peer pressure, to avoid wrong decisions, which can cost millions.

We also have also delivered provisions for lighter regulation for those who co-invest in very-high capacity networks in the form of clear conditions, with a safeguard role for the Commission and BEREC. The Code gives a clear signal to operators of different sizes to seek meaningful co-operations and ramp-up investment. In addition, where business models emerge that do not present the usual risks for competition, regulation takes a step back: this is the case for wholesale-only operators, which have already started to show their commitment and potential in boosting fibre network deployment.

Finally, Europe can take pride in the fact that citizens are at the centre of its policies. The objectives within the Union are clear, they are high-speed connectivity, affordability, and security for end-users, allow me insist and say ALL end-users, in line with universal rights precepts.

The Code will also greatly benefit to our citizens including those inhabiting rural areas who will benefit from better connectivity. Citizens will have access to affordable communications services, including universally available internet access, for services such as e-government, online banking or video calls. Consumers will also be able to make international calls to other EU countries for 19 cents a minute maximum. I know what your concerns were on this file. However, as for roaming, the capping of international calls can be a success benefiting every actor on the long term.

Next step to ensure that the Code will be a success

Now, after 5 years of policy reflection and negotiation, it is time to act!

The reality is that the final success of the code is still not written: it will depend on the commitment of all actors: Member states, regulators, operators and the Commission.

On our side, we will deliver the necessary implementing and delegated acts such as the single mobile voice termination rate. I take responsibility for the fact that our work will be done in a transparent manner, valuing your input.

Our cooperation to make the code a success will imply a multitude of players, from Member States, Regulation authorities, to European organisations. Member states’ will have a central role with the transposition of the directive, the appointment of competent authorities and the delivery of effective peer reviews. National Regulation authorities will play a key role with the analysing of their national markets and the selection of the most appropriate regulatory tools from the toolset that the Code provides. BEREC will ensure consistency at European level, notably through guidelines on a number of important provisions of the Code, including the provisions on co-investments and on symmetric regulation.

Finally, nothing will be possible without your commitment. We expect operators to explore co-investments schemes as early as possible; there is no need to wait for the rules to become applicable. This is now the time to design, to negotiate, to prepare.

In 2020 the ball must be already rolling.

This broad and intense cooperation will be critical to forge concrete change within the EU and also to develop EU’s soft-power outside of the EU.

In this respect, the current collective work to support the digitalisation of Western Balkan is both a sandbox and an example on how we can move forward with common goals and pragmatic solutions.

As you know, the European Commission presented in February its Strategy for the Western Balkans. One of the important elements of this strategy focuses on digital: the Digital Agenda for the region, which we launched last June in Sofia.

I have chosen to be pragmatic and flexible, when it comes to the subjects of intensified cooperation. The reduction of roaming tariffs ranks high in this regional agenda. Our role is simple; we share the inspiration and act as catalyser, up to partners in the region to agree on how to further reduce these tariffs. I take pride in the fact that there is already a regional roaming agreement between four partners, all the more as the debate continues on how to extend benefits to all citizens in the region.

A balanced and ambitious approach

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Now that it is time to conclude I would like to come back to the issue of leadership.

Today, even more than yesterday, leadership is an endless frontier: it requires constant efforts for those who want to stay in the race. Established positions are far less protected than in the past and those who have read the book “the End of power” of Moises Naim” know that in the XXIth century, any power is more fragile than ever.

This is why we have no time and no parcel of energy to loose: we must now look forward! The technological revolution will not wait for us and the global competition is fierce for achieving digital leadership.

As the representatives of major organisations for a strategic sector, you bear a special responsibility, and I count on you to use all your energy and creativity to help us delivering on our DSM agenda, which is both bold and pragmatic.

Beyond the implementation of the code, I am also thinking on the e-privacy directive. We need to finalise it. It can provide a win-win success with a high level of protection for consumers while allowing businesses to innovate with more opportunities to use data and provide additional services.

I regret not being able to stay to hear your discussion and I thank you for your attention and wish you fruitful exchanges. Let build this digital leadership together!

Central African Republic: Council adopts conclusions

On 15 October 2018, the Council discussed and adopted conclusions on the Central African Republic.

In its conclusions, the Council underlines that the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) is still very fragile and that the EU remains engaged in support of the country. The EU emphasises the need to continue working, through its various instruments, to help the CAR get back on the road to stability, peace and development and to meet the aspirations of its entire population for lasting peace and reconciliation.

The EU reiterates its support for the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation under the auspices of the African Union and the leadership of President Touadéra to reach a peace and reconciliation agreement, to create the conditions for the complete disarmament of armed groups and to strengthen State authority, while preserving the unity and integrity of the CAR.

The EU also stresses the importance of inclusive involvement of all institutions and all actors of Central African society, including women, youth and civil society. The EU calls on all international actors, especially those engaged in the CAR, to support the action of the government and the African Initiative in a properly coordinated and fully transparent manner.

The Council also welcomes the commitment of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in CAR (MINUSCA), in particular to support the CAR authorities in carrying out the security sector reform process and to help them restore State authority.

The Council emphasises that the security situation, including hybrid threats, confirms the need to continue to strengthen the Central African Armed Forces (FACA), and welcomes the request by the CAR for additional assistance for the Internal Security Forces, notably by means of civilian engagement. Ministers invited the EEAS to establish and deploy as soon as possible a civil-military interoperability pillar within EUTM RCA, tasked with providing strategic advice in this area.

The EU remains concerned by the humanitarian situation in the CAR and emphasises the need for the international community to mobilise in response to the humanitarian emergency, and reiterates its own ongoing engagement through the Bêkou Trust Fund. The EU remains strongly committed to the CAR, with an envelope of EUR 487 million allocated for the period 2017-2020.

Daily News 15 / 10 / 2018

President Juncker participates in Tripartite Social Summit

Tomorrow, 16 October, President Juncker will participate in the Tripartite Social Summit taking place in Brussels. He will be accompanied by Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, Valdis Dombrovskis, and Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen. The Tripartite Social Summit takes place twice a year, ahead of the spring and autumn European Councils. It is an opportunity for a constructive exchange of views between leaders of European employee and employer organisations, the European Commission, the European Council, the EU Heads of State or Government and Employment and Social Affairs Ministers from the countries holding the current and upcoming Council of the EU Presidencies. Tomorrow’s edition will focus on reinforcing competitiveness, sustainable job creation and social fairness in the EU. More specifically, participants will have a discussion on the potential of the digital revolution for labour markets and the economy, the roll-out of the European Pillar of Social Rights as well as the next EU long-term budget, including InvestEU, the European Social Fund Plus and the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union. A press conference will take place following the Summit, foreseen around 15:45, and can be followed here. More information on the Summit can be found here. A joint statement will be made available here. (For more information: Christian Spahr – Tel.: + 32 229 50055; Christian Wigand– Tel.: +32 229 62253; Sara Soumillion – Tel.: + 32 229 67094)


EU conducts its biggest Civil Protection Mechanism exercise

The 2018 Modex Romania is the largest medical exercise ever conducted in the framework of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and is taking place in Bucharest, Romania until 18 October 2018. The simulation will mobilise over 1000 people and involve medical teams from Austria, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Norway and Israel, and experts from other states participating in the Mechanism. “This exercise is a unique opportunity to assess the functioning of our Civil Protection Mechanism and the common European response to disasters. This Mechanism has proven its value on countless occasions, such as during the devastating forest fires in Southern and Northern Europe this summer. But there is always room for improvement of our capacities and coordination to save lives in Europe and around the world. This is why Modex is so useful and important for us,” said Christos Stylianides, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. The exercise imagines a scenario where a 7.5 scale earthquake hits Bucharest causing widespread damage to infrastructure, with a large number of wounded. Read the full press release here. (For more information: Maja Kocijancic – Tel.: +32 229 86570; Christina Wunder – Tel.: +32 229 92256)

TRADE: The Commission welcomes Council green light for EU-Singapore Trade and Investment Agreements

Today, EU Member States in the Council authorised the signature and conclusion of the trade and investment agreements between the EU and Singapore. Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said: “I am very pleased that Member States have given their formal backing to these agreements. Opening new opportunities for European producers, farmers, service providers and investors is a key priority for this Commission. Singapore is an important gateway to the whole Asia-Pacific area, and it is vital that our companies can have a foothold there. These agreements also promote sustainable development, as they include ambitious commitments on the protection of the environment and labour rights and uphold the right to regulate. They are yet another example of the EU’s determination to work with like-minded countries to uphold rules-based international trade.” Today’s decision follows the proposal made in April of this year by the European Commission. EU and Singapore leaders will sign the agreements on 19 October in Brussels, on the margins of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). After signature, the European Parliament will vote on the agreements. Once approved by the European Parliament, the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement is expected to enter into force in 2019, before the end of the current mandate of the European Commission. The EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement will only enter into force following its ratification at EU Member States’ level. For more information, see adedicated website. (For more information: Daniel Rosairo – Tel.: +32 229 56185; Kinga Malinowska – Tel.: +32 229 51383)


Somalia: major step in EU support to state-building

The EU and Somalia signed on 14 October an agreement to provide €100 million to the Somali budget over the next 2.5 years. These funds will support the Federal Government’s reforms to build a unified, federal state. Somalia is on a positive track towards stability and growth. The EU’s move to budget support is a token of the partnership with Somalia to develop a viable federal system and fostering long-term recovery. The date of signature coincides with the first anniversary of Somalia’s worst terror attack, which killed over 500 people in Mogadishu. On this occasion, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, said: “Budget support shows the EU’s trust in Somali institutions. It gives the Government resources to implement reforms and build a stronger State able to deliver basic services to its people. Those 100M€ show the EU delivers quickly, a few months after the Somali Partnership Forum. It comes at a time where the Horn of Africa is going through unprecedented changes. And Somalia can seize this momentum for its own domestic transformation. The financing agreement is a €100 million package dedicated to Somalia’s state and resilience building, which will also support access to basic services. Up to €92 million will go to the federal government through budget support. The remaining €8 million will support capacity building to the federal and states’ governments and oversight institutions. The disbursement of funds will be sequenced and closely monitored through political dialogue, regular assessment of progress achieved against indicators and dedicated safeguard measures. Read the full press release here. (For more information: Maja Kocijancic – Tel.: +32 229 86570; Christina Wunder – Tel.: +32 229 92256)

La Commissaire Gabriel organise une table ronde avec l’industrie sur la transformation numérique des soins de santé

Mariya Gabriel, commissaire chargée de l’économie et de la société numériques, organise aujourd’hui une table ronde de haut niveau réunissant acteurs publics et privés autour du thème des nouvelles technologies dans le domaine de la santé. “L’application des nouvelles technologies et leurs innovations façonneront l’avenir du secteur de la santé dans l’Union Européenne. Dans cette perspective, nous devons travailler ensemble pour le bénéfice de tous. Les gouvernements doivent mettre en place un cadre offrant un juste équilibre entre les préoccupations des individus, les contraintes des systèmes de santé et le potentiel d’innovation nécessaire en matière de santé. La Commission européenne entendra les participants issus des secteurs pharmaceutique, biotechnologique, de technologie médicale, ainsi que d’autres organisations liées au secteur de la santé au sujet de sa stratégie définie dans la Communication sur la transformation numérique de la santé et des soins de santé présentée en avril 2018. La table ronde organisée aujourd’hui est l’occasion de débattre sur des sujets-clés tels que la prochaine recommandation sur l’interopérabilité des systèmes de dossiers informatisés et le potentiel de nouvelles technologies comme l’intelligence artificielle et le calcul à haute performance. D’autre part, les Pays-Bas sont récemment devenus le 18ème Etat membre de l’UE à signer la déclaration sur le mécanisme de coordination volontaire pour le partage des données génomiques à des fins de recherche et de prévention des maladies. La Déclaration a été initialement lancée le 10 avril 2018 lors de la Journée du numérique et a depuis été signée par l’Autriche, la Bulgarie, la Croatie, la République tchèque, Chypre, l’Estonie, l’Espagne, la Finlande, la Grèce, l’Italie, la Lituanie, le Luxembourg, Malte, le Portugal, la Slovénie, Suède et Royaume-Uni. (Pour plus d’informations: Nathalie Vandystadt – Tel.: +32 229 67083; Joseph Waldstein – Tel.: +32 229 56184)

Education & training in Europe: where do we stand?

Tomorrow, the European Commission will publish the 2018 edition of the Education and Training Monitor, which analyses and compares the main challenges for European education systems. Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, will unveil this annual flagship publication at a launch seminar at European Commission headquarters in Brussels. This will be followed by a debate on the findings of the Monitor on progress towards main EU educational objectives for equity and attainment; latest trends in education policies and challenges in Member States; and a review of educational policies for citizenship education, including their implications for future EU cooperation in this area. The seminar can be followed live here. A press release in all EU languages, an EU-level factsheet and country-specific factsheets will be available online at 10.30 CET tomorrow. (For more information: Nathalie Vandystadt – Tel.: +32 229 67083; Joseph Waldstein – Tel.: +32 229 56184)

Mergers: Commission clears the acquisition of sole control over Esure by Bain Capital

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control over the Esure Group plc (“Esure”) by Bain Capital Private Equity, LP and its affiliates (“Bain Capital”) also of the UK. Esure is active in the provision and distribution of insurance services. Bain Capital is a private equity investment firm active in a wide-range of industries globally. The Commission concluded that the proposed transaction would raise no competition concerns given the absence of any horizontal overlaps and the lack of vertical relationships between the companies’ activities. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under case number M.9104. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Concentrations: la Commission autorise l’acquisition du contrôle conjoint de Vallourec Umbilicals par Bpifrance Investissement et Vallourec Tubes

La Commission européenne a approuvé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations, l’acquisition du contrôle conjoint de Vallourec Umbilicals par Bpifrance Investissement et Vallourec Tubes, toutes trois basées en France. Vallourec Umbilicals est active dans la fabrication des tubes roulés soudés en acier inoxydable à destination des ombilicaux des champs pétroliers et gaziers offshore. Bpifrance Investissement est un fonds de capital investissement ayant pour mission d’investir dans des projets structurants pour l’industrie française. Vallourec Tubes est active dans la fabrication de tubes en acier sans soudure et de solutions tubulaires. La Commission a conclu que l’opération envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problème de concurrence compte tenu de son impact limité sur la structure du marché. En outre, les activités des sociétés ne se chevauchent pas et il n’y a pas de liens verticaux entre elles. La transaction a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure simplifiée du contrôle des concentrations. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le registre public des affaires de concurrence sur le site web de la Commission consacré à la concurrence, sous le numéro M.9096. (Pour plus d’informations: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)


Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of CA by Broadcom

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of CA, Inc. by Broadcom Inc., both of the US. CA develops software that assists customers in developing, operating, testing, deploying and securing their business applications and databases. Broadcom manufactures semiconductors and hardware for communications, storage and industrial applications. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns because CA and Broadcom are not engaged in business activities in the same or related markets. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9054. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Concardis by Hellman & Friedman

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of Concardis Payment Group GmbH (“Concardis”) of Germany by Hellman & Friedman LLC of the US. Concardis is a provider of merchant acquiring services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Hellman & Friedman is a private equity fund. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, because of its limited impact on the market structure. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9089. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of joint control over Tampnet by 3i and ATP

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control over Brent Holding AS (operating under the name “Tampnet”) of Norway by 3i Group plc (“3i”) of the UK and Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension (“ATP”) of Denmark. Tampnet provides communication infrastructure and services to the offshore industry. 3i is an international investor and investment management business. ATP is a public pension provider with an investment arm to manage its assets. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given the absence of horizontal overlaps or vertical links between the activities of the companies. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9086. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)


Commissioner Avramopoulos in Ankara

Today, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos is in Ankara, Turkey to meet with the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as well as with Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu. Today’s discussions focus on the implementation of the EU-Turkey statement in all its aspects and on cooperation on migration and security, more broadly. (For more information: Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 229 67456; Markus Lammert – Tel.: +32 229 58602)


Vice-President Ansip in Tallinn for the Digital Summit

Tomorrow, Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market will be in Tallinn, Estonia for the Digital Summit 2018, gathering heads of government, ministers, tech community leaders and influential thinkers to discuss implications of digitisation on governments, economies and societies. At last year’s Summit President Jean-Claude Juncker used the occasion to urge Member States to complete the Digital Single Market. In October 2017, Member States had only adopted 6 legislative proposals out of 24 the Commission had put forward a year ago. Ahead of this year’s Summit, Vice-President Ansip stressed “When it comes to completing the Digital Single Market, the good news is that we are not starting from scratch. We have achieved quite a lot. More than two-thirds of our proposals have now been agreed. But in the digital era, where digitisation drives innovation, there is no time for complacency. We need to do more than pledge our commitments, but act and agree on the remaining proposals, such as e-privacy, cybersecurity and copyright, if we want to stay competitive and create sustained growth and jobs in Europe.” This year’s summit will focus on how artificial intelligence (AI) and free-moving data can be wielded in the service of digital states, economies and societies. The Commission presented its European approach on AI in April 2018, and is now working with Member States on a coordinated plan to be presented by the end of the year. Member States are encouraged to develop their national strategy, to open data and to increase investment in order to make the most of this strategic technology. An overview of the Digital Single Market is available here. (For more information: Nathalie Vandystadt – Tel.: +32 229 67083; Joseph Waldstein – Tel.: +32 229 56184)

Commissioner Stylianides meets German Ministers to discuss rescEU, the EU’s comprehensive plan to strengthen its emergency response

Today Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides welcomes German Interior Ministers from four German Länder to visit the European Commission’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre, the emergency response hub of the EU to monitor and coordinate a fast response to disasters. Mr Boris Pistorius, Minister of Interior and Sport of Lower Saxony, Hamburg Senator for Interior Affairs and Sports Mr Andy Grote, and Mr Georg Maier, Minister of Interior of Thuringia, as well as Mr Torsten Akmann, Berlin State Secretary, will have the opportunity to see how the Emergency Response Coordination Centre operates around-the-clock. The meeting comes timely for Commissioner Stylianides to address rescEU – the Commission’s comprehensive plan to strengthen Europe’s emergency response to disasters which is currently in the last phase of negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament. The proposal foresees to reinforce the existing Union Civil Protection Mechanismto better prevent, be better prepared and respond more effectively to natural and man-made hazards more effectively in Europe. In an emergency situation national authorities will be able to request, as a matter of last resort, additional support from the EU to save lives or protect the environment. (For more information: Maja Kocijancic – Tel.: +32 229 86570; Christina Wunder – Tel.: +32 229 92256)


Commissioner Jourová calls for greater diversity in the workplace at the EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Conference

Today, Commissioner Jourová opened the 9th EU Diversity Charters’ Forum, bringing together businesses, civil society and experts from all EU countries to improve diversity in the workplace. Commissioner Jourová, said: We live in a diverse Europe. To have an organisation that is diverse and inclusive requires intentional, committed and often courageous leaders. I am happy to see, that we have at least 10,000 private and public organisations which have joined the Diversity Charter.” Since 2010, the European Commission has been funding the EU-level Diversity Charters Platform. 22 Diversity Charters have now been established nationally, with Romania and Lithuania launching their Diversity charters earlier this year. The Forum brings together members of the Platform to exchange best practices and discuss obstacles. This year’s Forum has the title “Diversity in Diverse Europe” and is focussing on “worries” and stereotypes, how to communicate on values, and the importance of story-telling. Four international companies, Puls Power, Brown Forman, ICZ Group, and the British Council are taking the opportunity of today’s Forum to sign the Czech Diversity Charter. Now, there are over 10,000 companies, covering 15 million employees, who have signed a Diversity charter and committed themselves to promote and protect equality and diversity. You can find more information about the Forum and on the Diversity Charters. (For more information: Christian Wigand– Tel.: +32 229 62253; Mélanie Voin – Tel.: +32 229 58659)


Transport Commissioner Bulc participates in a Citizens’ Dialogue in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Ms Violeta Bulc is in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, where she will take part in the 1070th Citizens’ Dialogue organised by the Juncker Commission in the EU and the 21st in The Netherlands. The Commissioner will engage with almost 200 students and their professors at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. The European Commissioner for Transport will not only engage with the students in discussions on the future of Europe and the future of transport, but also talk about the Erasmus and Erasmus+ programmes. While in Rotterdam, Violeta Bulc will also attend the 88th International Session of the European Youth Parliament. The conference ‘Rotterdam 2018’ is a key conference of the European Youth Parliament programme which organises events in 40 countries with the aim to engage with young Europeans. During the event, the Commissioner will discuss current affairs under the conference’s theme ‘Discovering Global Europe’ with more than 300 young people. (For more information: Enrico Brivio – Tel.: +32 229 56172; Stephan Meder – Tel.: +32 229 1 39 17)


Upcoming events of the European Commission (ex-Top News)