England’s Seaside Heritage from the Air

Author Allan Brodie describes how photographs from the Aerofilms collection tell the story of England’s seaside resorts.Read more

10 Eccentric English Customs, Traditions and Ceremonies — and the Stories Behind Them

All over England, customs, traditions and ceremonies brighten our lives throughout the year.Read more

Britain brought to a standstill: The General Strike of 1926

On 3 May 1926, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) called a general strike across Britain to start at one minute before midnight. Read more

Empress Matilda and ‘The Anarchy’

If your image of a medieval noblewoman is someone in a tall pointed hat passively swooning at her knight’s jousting abilities, we forgive you: this is indeed a theme in medieval art and literature. But there were a number of medieval women leaders whose careers clearly break this stereotypical mould.Read more

Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians

Here we take a look at the career of the determined ruler of Mercia, Aethelflaed, daughter of Alfred the Great, who battled Vikings, built forts and founded towns.Read more