Scotland Gas Networks work on Riverside Drive starts today #dundeewestend

As indicated in the council’s weekly road report I shared yesterday, gas network work commmences  on Riverside Drive today.

Scotland Gas Networks’ Stakeholder and Community Officer has advised me as follows :

“Following discussions with Dundee City Council, our project will start on Monday 30 July and last approximately six weeks. We’ve split the project into two phases to help minimise disruption.

During phase one of our work we’ll be working in Riverside Drive, near the entrance for Barnetts Mazda garage. To ensure everyone’s safety while we work, two-way temporary traffic lights will be in place around our work area. We expect this phase to be complete within three weeks.

Our work will then continue eastwards along the road. During phase two we’ll be working east of Tay Rail Bridge and three-way temporary traffic lights will be in place around our work area. Riverside Approach will also be closed to southbound traffic and a diversion route will be in place for motorists.

We’ve created a dedicated webpage for this project which can be accessed through the following link – here

We always aim to minimise disruption and we will make every effort to ensure our works are completed as soon as possible.”

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Riverside Drive (at Riverside Approach) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 30 July for 5 weeks for gas main renewal.  Riverside Approach closed southbound and prohibition of right turn from Barnetts Garage will be in force for periods of the 5 weeks.

West End Community Police Surgeries #dundeewestend

The next West End community police surgeries take place next Monday – details below and all residents welcome :

Temporary Traffic Order – Riverside Approach

From the City Council :

Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of facilitating gas main renewal works.  The Order is expected to be in force for five weeks from 30 July 2018.  Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months.
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily (1) all southbound vehicular traffic in Riverside Approach from its junction with Magdalen Yard Road to its junction with Riverside Drive and (2) all right turning traffic (westbound) from Barnetts Garage onto Riverside Drive.
Pedestrian access and vehicular access to premises will be maintained where possible.
Alternative routes will be available via (1) Magdalen Yard Road, Windsor Street, Perth Road and Riverside Drive and (2) Riverside Drive (eastbound), Tesco Roundabout and Riverside Drive (westbound).
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this proposal to the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS – contact phone number – 433168.

Friends of Wighton update …

From Sheena Wellington :

Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library
Lunchtime Recital – today! – Wednesday 25th July at 1.15am
Friends of Wighton and the Wighton Heritage Centre are celebrating Scotland’s Year of Young People with a holiday trio of Lunchtime Recitals featuring some of our finest young traditional musicians.

On Wednesday 25th July, we have our now traditional summer visit from the Feis Rois Ceilidh Trail, a recital that has been known to merge into a lively session.

This year we are delighted to welcome the Gaelic Ceilidh Trailers with Sean Clark (Guitar), Rachel Campbell (Accordion), Isla Ratcliff (Fiddle and Voice), Felix Churchill-Moss (Fiddle and Mandolin) and Duncan Macleod (Voice and Piano) focussing on Scotland’s rich Gaelic repertoire.