Scotland’s leader calls on UK foreign minister to lobby Israel to allow civilians to flee Gaza

LONDON: Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf, whose wife’s parents are trapped in Gaza, has asked UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly to call for a ceasefire in the war between Hamas and Israel, so that civilians can leave the war zone.

In a letter to Cleverly, Yousaf urged him to use the good relationship between the UK and Israel to request a humanitarian corridor be established that will allow civilians to flee through the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

Putin says US inflaming Middle East, Erdogan decries ‘massacre’ in Gaza

MOSCOW/ANKARA: Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the US on Wednesday of inflaming the Middle East by sending an aircraft carrier group to the region, saying “compromise solutions” were needed and that he hoped common sense would prevail.

The Kremlin chief has called the explosion of violence between Israel and the Palestinians a vivid example of the failure of US policy in the Middle East, which he says has taken no account of the needs of the Palestinians.

How prepared is the Middle East if Israel-Hamas war escalates into a regional conflict?

DUBAI: As the Israeli military intensifies attacks on Gaza in retaliation for the unprecedented weekend assault on southern Israel by militants of the Palestinian group Hamas, there are growing fears of a wider, multi-sided conflict erupting in the Middle East.

Egypt discusses Gaza aid, rejects corridors for civilians, say sources

CAIRO: Egypt has discussed plans with the United States and others to provide humanitarian aid through its border with Gaza Strip but rejects any move to set up safe corridors for refugees fleeing the enclave, Egyptian security sources said on Wednesday.
Gaza, a tiny coastal strip of land wedged between Israel in the north and east and Egypt to the southwest, is home to some 2.3 million people who have been living under a blockade since Palestinian Islamist group Hamas took control there in 2007.

Arab League slams Israel siege of Gaza, demands aid for Gazans

CAIRO: Arab foreign ministers on Wednesday denounced Israel’s siege of Gaza following the shock attack by Palestinian militants on Israel, demanding that aid be “immediately” allowed to enter the blockaded enclave.
Israel has imposed a “complete siege” on the Gaza Strip, cutting off the water supply, food, electricity and other essential supplies, after Saturday’s massive assault by Hamas militants that has killed hundreds on both sides.