Europeans plan to keep ballistic missile sanctions on Iran

PARIS: European diplomats have told Iran they plan to retain European Union ballistic missile sanctions set to expire in October under the defunct 2015 Iran nuclear deal, four sources said, a step that could provoke Iranian retaliation.
The sources cited three reasons for keeping the sanctions: Russia’s use of Iranian drones against Ukraine; the possibility Iran might transfer ballistic missiles to Russia; and depriving Iran of the nuclear deal’s benefits given Tehran has violated the accord, albeit only after the United States did so first.

Eid in Lebanon: Return of expatriates and arrival of tourists revitalize sluggish markets

BEIRUT: Lebanese expatriates and tourists from Arab nations planning to spend the Eid Al-Adha holiday, or longer summer breaks, in Lebanon continued to arrive at Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut on Wednesday.

The number of arrivals peaked at “16,000 in a single day,” according to a security source at the airport. The influx of travelers resulted in heavy traffic on roads, and busy scenes in restaurants, cafes, recreational areas and nightlife venues, providing a boost to the country’s sluggish economy and injecting much-needed US dollars into local markets.

World Meteorological Organization lauds UAE as role model in climate-friendly economic policies

DUBAI: Jukka Petteri Taalas, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, said that the UAE economy is less than 20 percent dependent on fossil fuels, making it a leading model in the Gulf region in this regard.

Rescue ship saves 86 migrants off Libyan coast: charity

MARSEILLE, France: The migrant rescue ship Ocean Viking rescued 86 people off the coast of Libya on Tuesday as their vessel foundered while trying to reach Europe, its French-based operator said.
“The rescued, mainly from Gambia and Senegal, were suffering from dehydration, exhaustion and fuel burns,” a spokesman for the charity told AFP.
He added that most of the migrants were minors, trying to cross the Mediterranean on their own, without family.

Eid Al-Adha in Egypt: Celebrations amid exams, summer breaks at the coast

CAIRO: The Eid Al-Adha festival in Egypt has unique hues of celebration.
This is not just down to the holiday’s inherent joyous spirit, but also due to its timing which coincides with the start of the general secondary examinations and the onset of the summer season.
The distinct customs and traditions of Egyptians further add flavor to the Eid festivities.
Many Egyptian families choose to kick-start the sweltering summer by heading to coastal locations.
These serve as refreshing retreats, providing relief from the seasonal heat.