Attempted murder case in Central reclassified as murder


     Police today (March 18) reclassified an attempted murder case happened in Central on March 9 as murder.

     Police arrested a 23-year-old man on March 10 in suspected connection with an attempted murder case in Central on March 9 evening, in which a 70-year-old man lying unconsciously on the ground. Sustaining head injuries, he was rushed to Queen Mary Hospital in unconscious state and was subsequently certified dead yesterday (March 17) evening. A post-mortem examination will be conducted to ascertain the cause of his death.

     The arrestee was holding charged with one count of attempted murder on March 11 and the case was mentioned at Eastern Magistrates’ Courts on March 12. The next mention will be on March 25.

     Active investigation by the Regional Crime Unit of Hong Kong Island is underway.

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