At UN, Guatemalan President pledges government’s full commitment to fight against corruption

19 September 2017 – Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales, addressing the United Nations General Assembly today, pledged the firmest intention to strengthen and support the International Commission against Impunity of Guatemala (CICIG), while stressing that no institution should interfere in the country’s administration of justice. The agreement between the UN and Guatemala that established the CICIG was the first of its kind in the world, he said. It was vital that it was complied with faithfully. Having started its work in 2007, its mandate had been extended five times, demonstrating a firm commitment to strengthen and support its work, he explained.

“Our Government is fully committed to the fight against corruption and impunity,” he said, stressing that it is for that reason that Guatemala has begun the process of revising the interpretation and application of the CICIG agreement.

So his Government hoped that with “objectivity and equanimity we can improve the commission’s role by ensuring due prosecution, presumption of innocence, and to avoid selective prosecution and the politicization of justice.

Institutional and international action on migration was an important issue for Guatemala, President Morales continued, including partnership with Mexico, Honduras and the United States. Guatemala was counting on the efforts of Member States to negotiate an agreement on safe, regular and orderly migration. Turning to the situation of the so-called “dreamers” in the United States, he said Guatemala hoped that the American people’s sense of humanity would lead to the US Senate adopting legislation that would allow “dreamers” to enjoy legal status in that country.