At UN Assembly, United Arab Emirates stresses its resolve to fight terrorism

22 September 2017 – Rejecting extremism and terrorism, a senior minister from the United Arab Emirates today told the United Nations General Assembly debate that the region must work together to eradicate the threat and its ideological roots.

“The elimination of this threat from our Arab region is within our reach,” Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed AI Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, told the international community.

Despite its commitment for collective action, the UAE representative said that the country is committed to protecting its national interests and security in the Arabian Gulf by not making alliances with any organization that seeks to destabilize its peace.

“We have a clear choice with no alternative: to stand against terrorism in all its manifestations and to stand against all perpetrators without exception,” the Minister said.

“We must demonstrate zero tolerance to those who spread violence, fear and destruction among innocent people, and those who provide support and safe haven to terrorist groups.”