Assistant housing manager of Housing Department tests positive for COVID-19

     The Housing Department today (December 9) learned that an assistant housing manager has tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). She is staying at a hospital for treatment.
     Her workstation is situated at the Housing Department Kowloon East (7) and (10) District Tenancy Management Office (DTMO) on the ground floor, Sau Yat House, Sau Mau Ping Estate. She last worked in the office on December 2. It was confirmed on December 8 that she had been infected with COVID-19.
     The DTMO is open to the public. Nonetheless, the assistant housing manager concerned did not have contact with members of the public recently while she was performing duties. She has been wearing masks and following relevant disease prevention measures at work.
     The DTMO has been fully cleaned and sterilised in accordance with the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP). It has already been closed and will reopen for public service on December 18.    
     The Department will continue to closely co-operate with the CHP on disease prevention measures and its quarantine work.