Asset limits under CSSA and SSA Schemes to be adjusted upwards in February according to established adjustment mechanism

     The Social Welfare Department (SWD) announced today (January 30) that the asset limits under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme and the Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme will be adjusted upwards next month (February) according to the established adjustment mechanism.

     An SWD spokesman said, "With effect from February 1, the asset limits under the CSSA Scheme and Old Age Living Allowance (OALA) (including OALA under the Guangdong (GD) Scheme and the Fujian (FJ) Scheme) under the SSA Scheme will be adjusted upwards (see Annex) according to the index of prices under the established mechanism."

     As for the annual revision of the various amounts under the CSSA and SSA Schemes according to the established mechanism, which include the standard payment rates and maximum rent allowance under the CSSA Scheme, the rates of Old Age Allowance (OAA) (including OAA under the GD Scheme and the FJ Scheme), OALA (including OALA under the GD Scheme and the FJ Scheme) and Disability Allowance under the SSA Scheme, as well as the income limits for OALA (including OALA under the GD Scheme and the FJ Scheme), the spokesman said details will be announced after the relevant adjustment proposals have been approved by the Legislative Council and the adjustments will take retrospective effect from February 1 according to the established mechanism.

     Separately, the Chief Executive announced on January 14 the proposal to combine Normal OALA and Higher OALA with the payment level set at the Higher OALA rate (currently at $3,585 per month). The Chief Executive also announced the proposal to significantly increase the asset limit under the OALA Scheme to $500,000 for a single elderly person ($750,000 for a married couple) after standardising the payment rate. The SWD will announce the detailed arrangements and effective date for the relevant measures in due course.

     Applicants and recipients of CSSA and SSA may contact their respective social security field units for enquiries, or call the SWD hotline at 2343 2255.