As well as investing in our naval fleet, we must also invest in the men & women who serve in our Royal Navy – Nia Griffith


Nia Griffith MP, Labour’s Shadow
Defence Secretary,
to the publication of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, said:

“I welcome the publication of the
National Shipbuilding Strategy and the commitment to the long-term future for
our shipbuilding industry. But as well as investing in our naval fleet, we must
also invest in the men and women who serve in our Royal Navy.

“Despite warnings over many years,
our Navy is facing a crisis in recruitment and retention. The Government is on
course to miss its own target for the size of the Navy and we simply do not
have enough sailors to crew our naval fleet.

“Experienced personnel are leaving
the Navy because of dissatisfaction with pay and conditions. If the Government
was serious about properly resourcing our Royal Navy it would lift the public
sector pay cap and pay our servicemen and women properly.”

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