As tensions on Korean Peninsula grow, UN chief urges world to ‘dial up’ diplomacy

16 August 2017 – Addressing the growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today said it was important &#8220to dial down rhetoric and dial up diplomacy.&#8221

Speaking to the press at the UN Headquarters in New York, the Secretary-General stressed that the solution to the crisis must be political, and reiterated that his good offices &#8211 meaning the prestige and weight that his title and the UN represent to the world community &#8211 are always available.

&#8220I will remain in close contact with all concerned parties and stand ready to assist in any way,&#8221 said Mr. Guterres.

The message echoes what Mr. Guterres said he had told yesterday’s meeting of the representatives of the Six-Party Talks, who include China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States.

Earlier this month, the UN Security Council strengthened sanctions against DPRK’s exports. Unanimously adopting resolution 2371 (2017), the Council imposed a full ban on the export of coal, iron and iron ore from the north-east Asian country. Previously these items could be exported for livelihood purposes, for a limited amount.

Mr. Guterres today said that consist with that resolution, &#8220the international community must send a clear, coherent message to the leadership of the DPRK: fully comply with international obligations, work towards reopening communication channels and support efforts to deescalate the situation.&#8221

He noted that the resolution sends &#8220an unambiguous message regarding the peace and security obligations&#8221 of DPRK, while also representing &#8220an opportunity to solve this crisis through diplomatic engagement and renewed dialogue.&#8221

Speaking to journalists, Mr. Guterres welcomed the &#8220continued critical engagement&#8221 by Member States and supported &#8220the call of the Republic of Korea to the DPRK to engage in credible and meaningful dialogue.&#8221 These include steps such as confidence-building measures to defuse tension and efforts to de-nuclearize the Peninsula.

The tensions related to the crisis in the region &#8220are at levels not seen in decades,&#8221 Mr. Guterres said.

He noted that more than three million people died in the Korean War, which ravaged the Peninsula from 1950 to 1953.

&#8220We need to heed the lessons of history &#8211 not to repeat the mistakes,&#8221 he said.

He noted also that the potential consequences of military action &#8220are too horrific to even contemplate.&#8221