Arts Development Fund for Persons with Disabilities to open for application from March 29


     The Social Welfare Department (SWD) announced today (March 28) that the Arts Development Fund for Persons with Disabilities (Arts Fund) will be open for application from eligible organisations starting tomorrow (March 29).
     The Government has endeavoured to promote the participation of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in recreational, sports and cultural arts activities and provide them with appropriate activities and facilities, with a view to enhancing the opportunities to develop their potential and enhance their quality of life, as well as encouraging their active participation in community activities and full integration into the community.
     The Chief Executive announced in her 2017 Policy Address to establish the Arts Fund, which will be managed by the SWD. The Government has earmarked $250 million as the capital of the Arts Fund to provide funding support to arts programmes or activities. These include the provision of elementary and continuing arts programmes that enhance arts knowledge of PWDs, foster their interests in arts and develop their potential, and helping PWDs who have great artistic potential to strive for excellence and develop their career in performing, visual or creative arts.
     The Arts Fund will be open for application from March 29 and the deadline for submission of first-round applications is May 28. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) granted tax exemption status under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) and with at least two years of experience in organising structured arts activities or training programmes for PWDs may make applications. A Management Committee has been set up to oversee the use of grants disbursed under the Arts Fund, allocate grants and regularly review the assessment criteria for grants.
     Interested organisations may visit the SWD website ( for more details and download the application form of the Arts Fund.

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