Article – Young people for the future of Europe: register now for EYE2020


Are you young and passionate about the environment, opportunities for young people or the future of Europe? We have just the event for you.

Every two years, thousands of young Europeans gather in Strasbourg for the European Youth Event to share their ideas for the future of Europe. The EYE offers young people a chance to have a voice in European democracy. Some 9,000 Europeans aged 16 to 30 are expected to take part; to share their ideas about the future of Europe and discuss them with MEPs and other European decision makers.

This year marks the fourth edition. It takes place on 29-30 May 2020 in Strasbourg. The theme is “the future is now” and the programme includes the enviroment, migration and Brexit as well as education, technology and health. The programme will also include new formats such as sports activities and a special event for young journalists.

The ideas put forward during the event will be gathered in a report and shared with MEPs. The best ideas will be discussed with parliamentary committees in the autumn.


You can register for EYE2020 until 29 February. All you need to do is gather a group of minimum 10 participants and fill in the online form.

The event is open to all Europeans aged 16 to 30. Participation is free, but participants have to cover their own costs for transportation, accommodation and meals.

Instagram photo contest

Join our Instagram photo contest and you could win an invite to the EYE.

Simply share a photo with ‘the future is now’ slogan, tag @europeanparliament, @ep_eye and add the hashtag #eye2020. Tell us what matters most to you and what you think the EU should be focusing on. Find examples here to get inspired.

We will pick four winners and a fifth winner will be chosen from the most liked photos among the weekly regrams on the Parliament’s account. All five winners will be invited to EYE2020 in Strasburg.

The competition runs until 2 March. Find more info about the rules on the Instagram page of the EYE and the European Parliament.

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