Article – Parliament calls for a new ambitious EU Disability Strategy

What the Parliament wants in the new EU Disability Strategy

The European Parliament wants an inclusive society in which the rights of people living with disabilities are protected and adapted to individual needs and where there is no discrimination.

During the June plenary session, MEPs will vote on its priorities for a new EU Disability Strategy post 2020, building upon the current European Disability Strategy for 2010-2020.

Parliament wants the EU to lead in promoting the rights of people with disabilities and calls for an ambitious and comprehensive strategy based on the principle of full inclusion.

The resolution calls on the European Commission for:

  • A new strategy to be developed in close cooperation with people with disabilities and their organisations
  • The mainstreaming of the rights of all people with disabilities into all policies and areas
  • Clear and measurable targets and regular monitoring
  • Equal access for people with disabilities to health care, employment, public transport, housing
  • Sufficient funds for the implementation of all accessibility-related obligations
  • The implementation and further development of the EU disability card pilot project, which allows for the mutual recognition of disabilities in some EU countries
  • A common EU definition of disability