Article – Coming up: migration, digital working, water

Right to disconnect digitally

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant many people now work from home and to ensure workers are able to maintain a work-life balance, the employment committee will vote on proposals advocating the right of employees to disconnect digitally from work during holidays and outside of working hours on Tuesday.

The committee will also vote on rules to give access to decent and affordable housing to everyone and the future of digital education.

Drinking water

On Tuesday the environment committee is expected to approve new rules to further improve access to and the quality of drinking water, ahead of a plenary vote in December, and are likely to call for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive to be speeded up.

The committee will also set out its proposals to minimise the impact of climate change and extreme weather events, ahead of a new strategy by the European Commission.


In light of the failure of EU asylum rules during the 2015-16 refugee crisis, the civil liberties committee will look at the common asylum system on Tuesday and its members are likely to call for more solidarity with the countries at the EU’s external borders

Committee members will also discuss allegations that staff from the EU’s Frontex border agency were complicit in pushbacks of asylum seekers by Greek border guards with Fabrice Legger, the agency’s director.