Article – Coming up: EU long-term budget, human rights

The budget committee will discuss the negotiations on the EU’s long-term budget, the reform of the EU’s sources of income and the Covid-19 economic recovery plan on Tuesday.

The environment committee will be updated on the latest about Covid-19 on Wednesday by Dr Andrea Ammon, the director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Committee members will vote on an update to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which helped to create a common EU reserve of medical equipment such as ventilators as part of the EU response to the coronavirus pandemic.

MEPS from the human rights subcommittee will discuss the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo with Dr Denis Mukwege, winner of the 2014 Sakharov Prize and 2018 Nobel Peace Prize, on Monday. Dr Mukwege has been receiving death threats for condemning human rights violations and sexual violence against women, as well as the recent wave of killings in his country.

On Wednesday, the civil liberties committee will vote on a report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies, aiming to combat negative attitudes towards people with a Romani background in Europe.

The following day, the internal market and consumer protection committee will discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by new technologies, including artificial intelligence, and how the EU should regulate those areas.

To raise awareness about childhood cancer, the European Parliament will participate in the Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by lighting up its building in Brussels in gold during the first week of September. Fighting this disease is a priority for the EU.  In June, the Parliament set up a special committee on beating cancer.