Article – Climate change in Europe: facts and figures

Climate change is a global issue, but how is it affecting Europe? Discover facts and figures highlighting different aspects of this issue: causes, consequences and evolution.

The EU’s biggest greenhouse gases emitters

The EU is the world’s third largest greenhouse gases emitter after China and the United States and followed by India, Russia and Japan (2015).

Within the EU, the top six emitters in 2017 were Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Poland and Spain. The energy sector was responsible for 80.7% of greenhouse gases emissions in the EU in 2017, while industry for 8,7%, followed by agriculture (8.72%), industry (7.82%) and the waste sector (2.75%).

Discover more data in our infographic on greenhouse gas emissions by country and sector in the EU.

Reducing the EU’s greenhouses gases emissions

In 2008 the EU set a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. Much progress has been made: in 2015 there was already a decrease of 22% compared with 1990 levels.

In 2014, the EU set a new objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. According to the European Environmental Agency, the projected reductions based on the state of play of EU measures in 2017 will fall short of the target. It estimates there will be a decrease of about 30% in 2030.

See our infographics on the EU’s progress towards reaching its 2020 climate change targets.