ART FOR ALL – The Pioneering Story of Public Art in Dundee

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Dundee has an exceptional collection of over 500 sculptures, murals, mosaics and other forms of public art.    Since 2018, the University of Dundee Museum Services have been leading a major project to research, catalogue and promote this unique resource.    This exhibition showcases photographs of artworks past and present as well as unique behind-the-scenes material such as models, design sketches and installation images.
In particular, the exhibition explores the pioneering history of the Blackness Public Art Programme of the early 1980s, which attracted international attention for its ground-breaking approach.    This marked the beginning of the local council’s investment in culture-led regeneration, which has continued to this day.    Its success led to the expansion of the scheme to become the Dundee Public Art Programme.    This was the first city-wide programme of public art in the country and would remain the largest programme in Scotland throughout its existence.
The Public Art Dundee project has been led by the University of Dundee with support from Dundee City Council, the Menzieshill Photography Group, Art UK and Historic Environment Scotland. 
The exhibition runs 3rd August to 26th October at the Lamb Gallery, Tower Building, University of Dundee.

It will be open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 7pm and Saturday 1pm to 5pm.    

It will be accompanied by a series of tours, talks and workshops including a study day with talks by artists and researchers on Saturday 26th October.    Further details are available here.