ARLEM Award 2022

“Yesterday (15/6/2021), the Euro-Mediterranean Assembly (ARLEM) launched the ARLEM Award 2022. In its fourth edition already, this competition aims to support young, dynamic entrepreneurs from the Mediterranean region who, in collaboration with their local or regional authority, positively impact their community and foster social progress and development.  

While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was already felt during the launch of last year’s edition, it is the fact that the pandemic has persisted for so long that has exacerbated the economic and societal situation worldwide, and in particular in the Mediterranean countries in focus (see map below).​

Arlem award map

Young local entrepreneurs’ need for support in developing their businesses has hence significantly increased since the last instalment. The award seeks to showcase how fruitful the collaboration between local and regional authorities and young entrepreneurs can be in trying to overcome the economic and societal consequences of the pandemic. 

All interested and eligible young entrepreneurs are therefore invited to​​ submit their applications online as soon as possible. The closing date is 15 September 2021.”