ArchSD deeply saddened by passing of contractor’s staff member


     The Director of Architectural Services, Mr Edward Tse, was deeply saddened by the passing of a staff member of its contractor in an incident that happened at the construction site of the Hospital Authority Supporting Services Centre in North Lantau today (November 10). Mr Tse visited the construction site immediately after the accident to understand the situation and met the family of the deceased at North Lantau Hospital, expressing his deepest condolences to them. The Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) has requested the contractor to provide appropriate assistance to the deceased's family.

     The incident happened today at about 1.45pm, when a 58-year-old male worker was found injured and unconscious on the ground on the site. The injured worker was sent by the ambulance to North Lantau Hospital for urgent medical treatment and was later certified dead.

     The ArchSD will render full assistance to relevant departments to investigate the cause of the incident and related works have immediately been suspended.

     The Development Bureau (DEVB), being the party to procure services for public works, has immediately suspended the contractor concerned from tendering for public works contracts pursuant to the regulating regime in response to the incident. Subject to the investigation findings, the DEVB will impose, as necessary, further regulating actions on the contractor concerned later on, including extension of the period of suspension from tendering for public works contracts and even removal from the List of Approved Contractors for Public Works.

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