Appointments to Vocational Training Council

     The Government announced today (December 20) the appointment of Mr Tony Tai Chark-tong as the Chairman of the Vocational Training Council (VTC).
     The Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung, welcomed the appointment. He said, "Mr Tai has been committed to leading the development of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in Hong Kong. Since his appointment as a member in 2013 and later as a Deputy Chairman, he has actively participated in and tendered valuable advice on the work of the VTC. With his passion in promoting VPET and the breadth of his experience in the innovation and technology sector, I am confident that under Mr Tai's leadership, the VTC will work closely with the Government in further promoting VPET in the digital age."

     In addition to the re-appointment of Professor Eric Yim Chi-ming as Deputy Chairman and Mr Paul Chong Kin-lit, Ms Candy Tam Lai-chuen, and Mr Gary Yeung Man-yui as members, Dr Daniel Yip Chung-yin and Mr Harold Wong Tsu-hing are appointed as Deputy Chairman and a member respectively.

     All the above appointments or re-appointments are for two years, from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2021.

     Mr Yeung also thanked the outgoing Chairman, Dr Roy Chung Chi-ping. "Under Dr Chung's capable leadership, the VTC has made significant progress in taking forward its strategic plans and has accomplished a number of remarkable achievements including the opening of new campuses, diversification of learning experiences and articulation opportunities for VPET, and enhancement of industry partnerships. Moreover, Dr Chung has been a staunch supporter of the VTC's efforts in expanding its international network, providing more opportunities for students to shine in international skills competitions and broadening their horizons through exchange and study programmes outside Hong Kong. I am grateful to Dr Chung for his contributions to the VTC and the promotion of VPET," he said.
     The membership list of the VTC from January 1, 2020, is as follows:

Mr Tony Tai Chark-tong
Deputy Chairmen
Professor Eric Yim Chi-ming
Dr Daniel Yip Chung-yin
Professor Philip Chan Ching-ho
Mr Victor Chan Kok-wai
Mr Paul Chong Kin-lit
Ms Quince Chong Wai-yan
Dr Jacob Kam Chak-pui
Mr Ronald Lam Siu-por
Mr Clarence Leung Wang-ching
Mr Kennedy Liu Tat-yin
Dr Lo Kam-wing
Ms Low Khah-gek
Mr Dominic Pang Yat-ting
Ms Candy Tam Lai-chuen
Mr Harold Wong Tsu-hing
Mr Gary Yeung Man-yui
Deputy Secretary for Education (or his representative)
Director-General of Trade and Industry (or his representative)
Commissioner for Labour (or his representative)
Executive Director of Vocational Training Council
     The VTC was established in 1982 with a mission to provide a comprehensive system of vocational education and training as well as multiple pathways for young people, and to meet the needs of different industries in Hong Kong. The 13 member institutions of the VTC provide a broad spectrum of pre-employment and in-service education and training programmes, covering a wide range of industries and catering for students with different backgrounds and abilities.