Appointments to Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority and Occupational Retirement Schemes Appeal Board

     The Government announced today (September 18) appointments to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) and the Occupational Retirement Schemes Appeal Board (ORSAB).
     The Financial Secretary, in exercise of the authority under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 485) (MPFSO) delegated to him by the Chief Executive, has re-appointed Ms Yvonne Cheng Wai-sum, SC, as a Non-executive Director of the MPFA.
     At the same time, the Financial Secretary, in exercise of the authority under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 426) (ORSO) delegated to him by the Chief Executive, has appointed Ms Giovanna Kwong Fung-ping and Ms Miranda So Man-wah as the Chairlady and the Deputy Chairlady of the ORSAB respectively. He has also appointed Ms Hilda Lam and re-appointed Mr Kenny Chan Ngai-sang and Mr Eric Tong as members of the ORSAB.
     The above appointments and re-appointments will take effect on October 1, 2020, for a period of two years until September 30, 2022, both dates inclusive.
     Welcoming Ms Cheng's re-appointment to the MPFA, the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, said, "Ms Cheng has provided the MPFA with invaluable insights from the legal perspective and beyond. I am confident that the MPFA will continue to excel with her contributions."
     Mr Hui also welcomed the appointments and re-appointments to the ORSAB. He said, "With members' wealth of experience, I am confident that the Appeal Board will uphold its impartiality under the new ORSO regime." 
     Mr Hui thanked Ms Cynthia Chung Wing-suet, the outgoing Chairman of the ORSAB, for her dedicated service on the Board.
     The MPFA is a statutory body established in September 1998 under the MPFSO for the regulation and supervision of the MPF System.
     The membership of the MPFA with effect from October 1, 2020, is as follows:
Dr David Wong Yau-kar
Deputy Chairlady
Ms Alice Law Shing-mui
Non-Executive Directors
Mr Chan Kam-lam
Ms Yvonne Cheng Wai-sum, SC
Dr Bankee Kwan Pak-hoo
Mr Lam Chun-sing
Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau
Mr Abraham Shek Lai-him
Professor Simon Wong Kit-lung
Mr Kingsley Wong Kwok
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) as alternate)
Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare as alternate)
Executive Directors
Mr Cheng Yan-chee
Mr Leo Chu King-chi
Ms Cynthia Hui Wai-yee
Ms Gabriella Yee Gar-bo
     The ORSAB was established in accordance with Section 61 of the ORSO to determine appeals against decisions of the Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes as specified in the ORSO.
     The membership of the ORSAB with effect from October 1, 2020, is as follows:
Ms Giovanna Kwong Fung-ping
Deputy Chairlady
Ms Miranda So Man-wah
Mr Kenny Chan Ngai-sang
Ms Hilda Lam
Mr Eric Tong