Appointments to Lump Sum Grant Steering Committee

     The Government announced today (April 17) the appointment of four new members to the Lump Sum Grant Steering Committee (LSGSC) for a term of two years with effect from April 22, 2020.
     They are Ms Jasmine Chan Hoi-yan, Mr Cliff Choi Kim-wah, Ms Chung Wai-ling and Mr Webster Ng Kam-wah.
     Ms Jasmine Chan Hoi-yan is in the field of marketing and public affairs.
     Mr Cliff Choi Kim-wah is the Business Director of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning.
     Ms Chung Wai-ling is the Chairperson of the Community Care and Nursing Home Workers General Union. She is also a member of the Task Force for Review on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System.
     Mr Webster Ng Kam-wah is an accountant and the Founder of Webster Ng & Co. He is also a member of the Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee.
     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, said he looked forward to the valuable advice from the new members on the implementation of the Lump Sum Grant Subvention System (LSGSS). He also thanked the four outgoing members for their sterling contributions and devotion to the LSGSC over the past years. They are Ms Ann Au Chor-kwan, Ms Anna May Chan Mei-lan, Mr Chua Hoi-wai and Mr Matthew Lee Siu-chung.
     The LSGSC is chaired by the Director of Social Welfare and comprises 17 non-official members and two ex-officio members. Of the non-official members, six are independent members and the remaining 11 members have backgrounds related to the LSGSS, including members of management of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), service users and staff unions.
     The LSGSC monitors the implementation of the LSGSS and identifies areas for improvement. It also monitors the implementation of the recommendations in the Review Report on the LSGSS and facilitates sharing of information and experience among the Social Welfare Department, NGOs, their staff and service users.
     The membership list of the LSGSC with effect from April 22, 2020, is as follows:
Director of Social Welfare
Non-official members
Ms Jasmine Chan Hoi-yan
Ms Tammy Chan Yee-ching
Mr Francis Chau Yin-ming
Mr Cliff Choi Kim-wah
Ms Chung Wai-ling
Mr Stephen Hung Wan-shun
Ms Cynthia Lam Ming-wai
Ms Alice Lau Oi-sze
Dr Jane Lee Ching-yee
Mr Armstrong Lee Hon-cheung
Ms Teresa Lee Siu-hong
Miss Irene Leung Pui-yiu
Mr Lun Chi-wai
Mr Webster Ng Kam-wah
Ms Rebecca Ng Pui-ling
Mr Sin Kin-ming
Dr Ricky Szeto Wing-fu
Ex-officio members
Principal Assistant Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Welfare)1
Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Subventions)