Appointments to Copyright Tribunal announced

     The Government today (July 26) announced that the Chief Executive has re-appointed Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan as Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal, and Professor Michael Siu Kin-wai, Mr Alan Yip Chi-wing and Mr Cheung Ka-li as members of the tribunal for a two-year term with effect from December 1, 2019.
     The Chief Executive has also appointed Miss Cheung Yee-mei as a new member of the tribunal for a two-year-and-four-month term with effect from August 1, 2019.
     "We would like to express our gratitude to the outgoing member Dr Sunny Chai Ngai-chiu for his service to the tribunal over the past years," a Government spokesman said.
     The Copyright Tribunal is a quasi-judicial body established under the Copyright Ordinance. It adjudicates on disputes concerning the terms and conditions of copyright licensing schemes devised by licensing bodies. It consists of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.       
     The full membership of the Copyright Tribunal, with effect from August 1, 2019, is as follows:

Mr Albert Wong Kwai-huen (Chairman)
Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan (Deputy Chairman)
Ms Grace Chu Hing-wah
Professor Michael Siu Kin-wai
Mr Kenneth Wong Wing-yan
Mr Alan Yip Chi-wing
Mr Cheung Ka-li
Ms Loretta Fong Wan-huen
Miss Cheung Yee-mei