Appointments to Commission on Children

     The Government announced today (December 29) the appointment of three new non-official members to the Commission on Children (CoC), namely Mrs Jennifer Cheng Yu Ngar-wing, Ms Winona Lo Oi-ling and Mr Tsoi Ka-lun. Their appointments will take effect on January 1, 2024, for a term of two years.
     The Chief Secretary for Administration and Chairperson of the CoC, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, welcomed the new members. He looked forward to working with them closely to build a caring community, where children can grow up healthily and happily with their rights and well-being safeguarded.
     The CoC was established on June 1, 2018. Its major functions are to develop policies, set strategies and priorities related to the development and advancement of children, oversee the implementation of relevant policies and services, promote children's rights and fund public educational projects.
     The membership list of the CoC with effect from January 1, 2024, is as follows:

Chief Secretary for Administration

Secretary for Labour and Welfare

Non-official members
Ms Karin Ann
Mr Peter Au Yeung Wai-hong
Mr Chan Kin-ping
Miss Anna May Chan Mei-lan
Miss Kelly Cheng Hui-kiu
Mrs Jennifer Cheng Yu Ngar-wing
Mr Chow Wai-chung
Ms Kathy Chung Lai-kam
Ms Heidi Hui Sim-kiu
Professor Patrick Ip
Dr Sanly Kam Shau-wan
Ms Lee Yuen-sum
Ms Winona Lo Oi-ling*
Ms Shalini Mahtani
Mr Kenny Ng Kwan-lim
Ms Cindy Pun Siu-fung
Dr Tang Chun-pan
Dr Sandra Tsang Kit-man
Mr Tsoi Ka-lun*
Dr Rizwan Ullah
Mr Gary Wong Chi-him
Ms Donna Wong Chui-ling
Dr Lilian Wong Hiu-lei
Miss Koby Wong Lok-yin
Ms Wong May-kwan

Ex-officio members
Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism
Secretary for Education
Secretary for Health
Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs
Commissioner of Police
Director of Health
Director of Home Affairs
Director of Social Welfare
Chairperson of Family Council
Chairperson of Women's Commission
* Appointed through the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth.