Appointments to Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief Executives and Politically Appointed Officials

     The Government today (June 6) announced that the Chief Executive has appointed Mrs Margaret Leung Ko May-yee as a member of the Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief Executives and Politically Appointed Officials (Advisory Committee) for a term of two years from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021.

     The Chief Executive has also re-appointed Professor Liu Pak-wai as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee, and Ms Susanna Chiu Lai-kuen, Mr Thomas Brian Stevenson and Mr Simon Ip Sik-on as members, for another term of two years to June 30, 2021.

     A Government spokesman said, "Under the chairmanship of Professor Liu and with the wealth of experience of its members, the Advisory Committee will continue to discharge its functions in a professional manner."

     The Government also expressed appreciation for the dedicated service of Ms Elaine Lo Yuen-man as a member of the Advisory Committee in the past six years.
     The terms of reference of the Advisory Committee are:

(a) to draw up the principles and criteria to be adopted for the purpose of advising former Chief Executives and politically appointed officials on their post-office employment or appointment;

(b) on the basis of the principles and criteria adopted, to consider and advise former Chief Executives and politically appointed officials on post-office employment or appointment; and

(c) to consider and advise the Government on other cases which may be referred by the Chief Executive's Office.