Appointment of Under Secretary (with photo)

     The Chief Executive's Office announced today (October 18) that the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, has, on the recommendation of the Appointment Committee, appointed an Under Secretary of the fifth term of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

     The newly appointed Under Secretary is the Under Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Clement Woo Kin-man. He will assume office on October 20.

     Following are the biographical notes on the new appointee:
Mr Clement Woo Kin-man
     Aged 54, Mr Woo was a member of the Tai Po District Council from 2016 to 2019 and has been dedicated to community and youth services over the years. He has made notable contributions to society through his participation in various government statutory and advisory bodies including the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, the Family Council and the Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee, as well as his service as an auxiliary police officer.  

     Mr Woo has ample experience in running manufacturing, trade and investment companies locally, in the Mainland and abroad. He holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree from Imperial College London and an Executive Master of Public Administration degree from Tsinghua University. He is a member of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong.
