Applications for subsidy scheme for tenants of cooked food/light refreshment stalls at FEHD markets to start on April 27


     â€‹The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (April 24) announced that applications for the subsidy scheme for tenants of cooked food/light refreshment stalls at FEHD markets under the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund will start next Monday (April 27).
     An FEHD spokesman said, "Under the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemics, the Government has imposed social distancing measures, issuing directions under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirement and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (the Regulation) (Cap. 599F) to restrict the operation of catering business. The business of catering outlets selling or supplying food and beverages for consumption on their premises have been hard hit by the epidemics and the social distancing measures. The FEHD provides immediate financial relief to tenants of cooked food/light refreshment stalls at its markets."
     The subsidy scheme for tenants of cooked food/light refreshment stalls at FEHD markets will provide a one-off subsidy of $50,000 for each eligible stall.
     Eligible market stall tenants should submit their applications to their corresponding District Environmental Hygiene Office of the FEHD or the corresponding Market Office of the related markets in person or by mail. The deadline for application is May 27. The target is that upon receipt of the completed application form and supporting documents and after verification, the disbursement of subsidies could generally be made in approximately two weeks by crossed cheques to the correspondence address indicated by the market stall tenants registered with the FEHD.
     The application form and guidelines can be downloaded from the website of the FEHD ( or be obtained from District Environmental Hygiene Offices of the FEHD starting from next Monday (April 27). Tenants of cooked food/light refreshment stalls of FEHD markets can also obtain their related application forms from the corresponding Market Office of the related markets. For details, please visit the website of the FEHD.
     Other than the above subsidy scheme, to assist small and medium enterprises to cope with the pressure on their operations under the current economic environment, the measures of the second round of the Anti-Epidemic Fund also included an increase of rental concession for FEHD market stalls from 50 per cent to 75 per cent from April to September 2020.

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