Application deadline for funding from Elder Academy Development Foundation extended

     The Labour and Welfare Bureau today (April 23) announced that the deadline for applications under the first round of funding from the Elder Academy Development Foundation (EADF) in 2020 has been extended to June 30 to provide sufficient time for sponsoring bodies of primary and secondary schools, post-secondary institutions and organisations which may be affected by the COVID-19 epidemic to prepare their submissions.

     The Committee on EADF accepts funding applications all year round, and conducts vetting and disburses funding twice a year. The deadlines for the first round and the second round were generally May 31 and October 31 respectively. The Committee will continue to monitor the situation and announce arrangements for the next round in due course.

     The Elder Academy (EA) Scheme aims to promote continuous learning for elderly people, active ageing and inter-generational harmony. The EADF mainly provides funding for primary and secondary schools as well as post-secondary institutions to set up EAs to provide learning opportunities in a school setting for the elderly. Funding is also provided for activities that encourage elderly learning and inter-generational harmony.

     Each approved EA in a primary or secondary school will be provided with funding of up to $122,000 for implementing a three-year programme. EAs that have completed the first three-year programme may apply for funding of up to $60,000 for running a two-year programme.

     As regards applications for organising EA courses in post-secondary institutions or other applications, the Committee on EADF will assess and decide the funding amount according to the merits of individual proposals.

     Details of the funding applications may be downloaded from the website of the EA Scheme ( For enquiries, please contact the secretariat of the Committee on EADF (3655 5861/3655 5007).