Another SNP ‘pay more, get less’ budget

5 Mar 2020

The Scottish Conservatives have blasted the SNP for delivering yet another “pay more, get less” budget for the people of Scotland.

With the traditional support of the Greens, a majority of MSPs are backing the widely-criticised proposals for the financial year ahead.

That includes a failure to fund drug rehabilitation beds, an under-funding of local authorities and a refusal to ensure no further tax divergence with the rest of the UK.

Shadow finance secretary Donald Cameron also criticised the Greens who, he said, had never demanded so much and received so little in return for their support.

Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary Donald Cameron said:

“This is yet another “pay more, get less” budget from the SNP.

“It’s a budget that underfunds our vital public services, especially local councils.

“And despite the drugs deaths crisis, it completely neglects the wellbeing of vulnerable addicts who need rehabilitation beds to turn their lives around.

“This bad budget is being made possible by the Greens, who never in the history of this parliament have asked for so much and yet received so little in return for their support.

“This budget categorically fails to meet the needs of the people and businesses of Scotland.”