Announcement by Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office

     A spokesman for the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office said today (February 15) that through COVID-19 rapid testing, the result was preliminarily positive for a foreign domestic helper at the home of the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr John Lee. According to the guidelines of the Department of Health, the foreign domestic helper concerned will return a deep throat saliva sample for testing as soon as possible.

     Mr Lee and his family have taken COVID-19 rapid tests and the results are negative. They will return their deep throat saliva samples for testing as soon as possible. For prudence's sake, Mr Lee has returned home for self-isolation.

     Mr Lee was originally scheduled to attend the Legislative Council's Finance Committee meeting via videoconferencing this afternoon, with a view to seeking approval from the Finance Committee on the funding proposal for the sixth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund. The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, has taken up the role to lead relevant officials to attend the meeting.