Animal medicine improvement notice: Corner Veterinary Centre

News story

Details of improvement notice served to Corner Veterinary Centre, Girvan, Ayrshire.

VMD Building

This notice was served to Corner Veterinary Centre, Girvan, Ayrshire by a VMD inspector during an unannounced inspection.

The following contravened the Veterinary Medicines Regulation (VMR) 2013:

  • failure to keep adequate records of supply of prescription products contrary to regulation 23
  • failure to keep adequate records of supply of veterinary medicinal products for use under the veterinary cascade contrary to Schedule 3, paragraph 13
  • supply of a product for use under the veterinary cascade to a food producing animal which does not have a MRL listed in Annex 1 of Commission Regulation No 37/2010
  • use of an expired veterinary medicinal product on a animal contrary to regulation 7(2)

The improvements required are:

  • all supplies of prescription products to food producing animal must have batch number recorded
  • all supplies of products for use under the veterinary cascade must have clinical assessments, batch numbers, dosages instructions and withdrawal periods (for food producing animals)
  • all supplies to food producing animals must be with an MRL
  • no date expired product must be used on and animals and must not be supplied

Published 26 May 2021