ANE: Press release issued on behalf of Independent Commission Against Corruption

The following press release is issued on behalf of the Independent Commission Against Corruption:
Yuen Long DC member charged with $147,000 salary payments fraud

     A member of the Yuen Long District Council (DC) has been charged by the ICAC today (August 28) with defrauding the Home Affairs Department (HAD) of reimbursement of his part-time assistant's salary payments totalling $147,000.
     Man Kwong-ming, 56, faces one count of fraud, contrary to Section 16A of the Theft Ordinance.
     The defendant will appear in the Tuen Mun Magistracy on Thursday (August 30) for plea.
     The case arose from a corruption complaint. Subsequent ICAC enquiries revealed the above alleged offence.
     At the material time, the defendant was a member of the Yuen Long DC. He was entitled to apply for reimbursement of operating expenses incurred from employing staff members to assist him in running his ward office.
     The charge alleges that between February 28, 2012 and June 29, 2016, the defendant dishonestly and falsely represented that a man was employed by him as a part-time assistant between January 1, 2012 and January 31, 2016; submitted to the HAD operating expenses reimbursement applications to evidence that he had paid a monthly salary to the man in the sum of $3,000 each month during that period; and with intent to defraud, induced staff members of the HAD to process and effect payments to him of a total sum of $147,000 as reimbursement of the operating expenses, which resulted in benefit to him or prejudice to the Government.
     The HAD has rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case.
     The defendant has been released on ICAC bail, pending his court appearance on Thursday.