ANE: Press release issued on behalf of Independent Commission Against Corruption


The following press release is issued on behalf of Independent Commission Against Corruption:

Duo charged with bribery over air conditioning works contracts
     A former technical manager of a property management company and the proprietor of a works contractor have been charged by the ICAC today (September 15) with bribery involving illegal rebates totalling over $21,000 for securing air conditioning works contracts of a residential building.
     Ng Chun-ming, 39, former assistant technical manager of Hang Lung Real Estate Agency Limited (Hang Lung), and Tam Chung-cheong, 59, proprietor of Hop Luen (Hong Kong) Engineering Co. Limited (Hop Luen), jointly face one count of conspiracy to accept an advantage as an agent, contrary to Section 9(1)(a) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (POBO) and Section 159A of the Crimes Ordinance.
     Ng further faces one count of agent accepting an advantage, contrary to Section 9(1)(a) of the POBO, while Tam was also charged with one count of offering an advantage to an agent, contrary to Section 9(2)(a) of the POBO.
     The defendants will appear in the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts on Thursday (September 17) for plea.
     At the material time, Hang Lung was the management services provider of The Summit, a private residential building in Wan Chai District. Ng was an assistant technical manager of Hang Lung, responsible for handling and supervising maintenance works of the building. Tam was the proprietor of Hop Luen, a contractor of Hang Lung, which engaged in air conditioning system maintenance works.
     One of the charges alleges that on September 16, 2019, Ng accepted illegal rebates totalling $18,100 from Tam, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, as an inducement to or reward for facilitating the award of contracts of works by Hang Lung to Hop Luen.
     Another charge alleges that on the same day, Tam offered the aforesaid illegal rebates of $18,100 to Ng for the same purpose.
     The illegal rebates were allegedly offered and accepted in relation to 14 air conditioning system maintenance works carried out at the abovementioned building.
     The conspiracy charge alleges that Ng and Tam conspired together on the same day for Ng to accept another illegal rebate of $3,300 from Tam, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, as an inducement to or reward for the award of another contract of works by Hang Lung to Hop Luen.
     Hang Lung has rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the cases.
     The defendants have been released on ICAC bail, pending their court appearance on Thursday.

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