A stress test will be held at the Main Stadium of Kai Tak Sports Park on February 4. Police will arrange a media guided tour to introduce the stress test arrangements and crowd management measures.
Representatives of the Government and relevant organisation will meet the media after the stress test.
Media representatives who are interested in joining the media guided tour (three per TV station and two per other mass news media organisation) should pre-register by completing the attached return slip and email it to io-newsroom-pr@police.gov.hk by 6pm tomorrow (February 3). Confirmation will be made by phone.
Media representatives registered for the guided tour are requested to assemble at the media registration counter (i.e designated press area at the Central Square of the Kai Tak Stadium) by 7pm on February 4.
Other media representatives who are interested in covering the outer area of the Main Stadium should get a media badge at the media registration counter.
For enquiries, please call Newsroom of Police Public Relations Wing at 2860 6100.
Return slip: Media guided tour of Kai Tak Sports Park stress test
Name of organisation: ______________________
Name of contact person: ______________________
Telephone no.: ______________________
Email: ______________________
Please fill in the details of the attendees:
Name | Telephone no. | ||
1. | *Reporter/Photographer/ Cameraman/Engineer |
2. | *Reporter/Photographer/ Cameraman/Engineer |
3. | *Reporter/Photographer/ Cameraman/Engineer |
* Delete as appropriate
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