Andy McDonald comment on Sustrans walking and cycling study

Andy McDonald MP, Labour’s Shadow Transport Secretary, commenting on a new study from Transport charity Sustrans which has analysed the Government’s walking and cycling targets, said:

“The Government should match Labour’s commitment to raise spending on cycling and walking to £10 per head and back our calls for a new Clean Air Act. Illegal levels of air pollution in the UK have escalated out of control into a public health emergency on this Government’s watch, contributing to an estimated 50,000 deaths every year.

“The Tories’ neglect of sustainable transport is leading to a failure to tackle the air pollution crisis. Since 2010, rail fares have soared above inflation, bus services have been cut and our towns and cities haven’t received the investment needed to encourage cycling and walking.

“In failing to support sustainable transport now, the Conservatives are storing up problems for future years and are falling short of their legal obligations to tackle the UK’s air pollution crisis.”