Andrew Gwynne response to analysis by the Local Government Association on children’s social care budgets

Andrew Gwynne MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Communities
and Local Government
, responding to analysis by the Local Government Association on
children’s social care budgets, said:

“The LGA, which represents councils from every part of the
country, has spoken with one voice and are telling us that children’s social
services are on the brink of collapse.

“This isn’t the view of a few local councils, these are local
authorities from every part of the country and they are reporting very serious
disparities in the care they can provide due to budget cuts.

“Councils have worked hard to make savings, but they are running
out of options. We all want every single child, no matter their geography or
family situation, to receive the best care and protection when needed, but
right now, that is not happening.

“This is yet another sign of the government’s misplaced priorities
– they can find a £1 billion bung for the DUP to stay in the job but are
failing to provide the funding children’s services desperately need.”