An exceptionally dry, sunny and warm November


     With the dominance of a dry northeast monsoon over southern China for most of the time, November 2019 was marked by prolonged dry and sunny weather in Hong Kong. The monthly total sunshine duration amounted to 263.0 hours, about 46 per cent above the normal figure of 180.1 hours, and the fourth highest on record for November. Only traces of rainfall were recorded in the month, making it the joint-driest November since records began in 1884. However, the accumulated rainfall this year up to November was 2,382.7 millimetres, slightly more than the normal figure of 2,371.7 millimetres for the same period. November 2019 was also much warmer than usual. The monthly mean maximum temperature was 26.1 degrees, 2.0 degrees above the normal figure of 24.1 degrees, and the joint-second highest on record for November. The monthly mean temperature of 23.0 degrees was 1.2 degrees above the normal figure of 21.8 degrees and was the joint-sixth highest on record for November. Moreover, the autumn mean temperature in Hong Kong from September to November 2019 reached 26.1 degrees and was 1.1 degrees above the normal figure of 25.0 degrees, making it the joint-warmest autumn on record.
     Under the prevalence of the dry northeast monsoon, the weather in Hong Kong was fine and dry from November 1 to 11. With plenty of sunshine, the maximum temperature at the Hong Kong Observatory rose to 29.3 degrees on November 1, the highest of the month. Following the moderation of the northeast monsoon, it was mainly cloudy with sunny intervals on November 12. A cold front formed over the northern part of southern China on November 13 and moved across the coastal areas that night. The associated northeast monsoon brought generally fine and slightly cooler weather to Hong Kong from November 14 to 17.
     Meanwhile, another cold front formed over central China on November 17 and edged southwards gradually. It moved across the south China coast in the night of November 18. Locally, apart from some haze, the weather in Hong Kong remained fine and dry on November 18. The northeast monsoon behind the cold front brought cooler mornings to the territory with the minimum temperatures staying below 20 degrees in the next four days. As the northeast monsoon weakened, local temperature recovered gradually on November 23 and 24.
     The strengthening of the northeast monsoon brought windy weather to Hong Kong on November 25. After a cloudy day on November 26, the weather turned fine again on the following day. With the replenishment of the northeast monsoon reaching the south China coast on November 28, it was fine and dry with cool mornings in Hong Kong from November 28 to 30. The temperature recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory on the morning of November 29 was 17.0 degrees, the lowest of the month.
     Six tropical cyclones occurred over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific in November 2019.
     Details of issuance and cancellation of various warnings/signals in November are summarised in Table 1. Monthly meteorological figures and departures from normal for November are tabulated in Table 2.     

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