Amendments to merchant shipping seafarer regulations proposed

     The Government proposes to amend the Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) (Working and Living Conditions) Regulation and the Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) (Allotments) Regulation to incorporate two amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) into local legislation.
     A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau today (November 29) said, "The legislative amendments involve the extension of validity of Maritime Labour Certificates and the safeguards of interests of seafarers being held captive."
      The Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development, the Hong Kong Fleet Operation Advisory Committee and the Seafarers' Advisory Board of the Marine Department have been consulted on the legislative proposal. Members supported the proposal.
      The proposed legislative amendments were gazetted today and will be tabled at the Legislative Council on December 4 for negative vetting.