Almost 20,000 businesses still waiting for help from SNP


16 Jul 2020

Almost a week after the scheme has officially closed, just under 20,000 Scottish businesses are still waiting for financial aid to help them through the Covid crisis, according to the latest official figures published today.

The statistics show that while 105,585 businesses had applied for grants from the Scottish government by the deadline only 86,505 have received this crucial help, leaving 19,080 on the waiting list.

This is an increase of 1,743 from last week when 17,337 firms were still waiting for their applications to be processed.

The Scottish Conservatives have criticised this increasing waiting list and pointed out that Scottish businesses have received less financial help from the SNP government than their counterparts south of the border, making speedy access to this financial aid even more important.

Donald Cameron Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary said:

“It’s pretty appalling that most businesses are now reopening and yet almost 20,000 firms are still waiting for financial support from the SNP government.

“These funds are crucial in helping people keep their jobs and ensuring businesses stay afloat, as we try and restart our economy.

“The SNP government has already short-changed Scottish businesses in comparison to their counterparts south of the border.

“That means it’s even more important that Scottish workers and businesses get the help they are entitled to, quickly.

“The SNP government has already badly let down Scottish business, this extra delay may well be the last straw for many.”

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