All persons in custody find negative in COVID-19 testing (with photos)

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) arranged for persons in custody to take COVID-19 testing this week and was notified tonight (September 11) that all specimens were tested negative.

     In view of a person transferred from Pik Uk Prison to Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre (CIC) for detention and a person in custody in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre tested positive for COVID-19 on September 5, the CSD, in accordance with the advice of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP), arranged for about 7,000 persons in custody to take COVID-19 testing since September 7.

     Nevertheless, five persons in custody refused to provide specimens after repeated explanations and advice given by the institutional management and the Medical Officers at correctional institutions seconded from the Department of Health. To break the hidden chains of transmission and ensure the health and safety of other person in custody, the CSD separated the persons in custody concerned for observation. 

     Besides, according to the advice by the CHP, the CSD is also arranging for correctional officers of institutions concerned to take COVID-19 testing. The collection of specimens is expected to be completed in this week.

     At the onset of COVID-19 outbreak, the CSD immediately activated "Medical Response System", to systematically and swiftly prevent the disease from spreading in the institutions. Comprehensive prevention and disinfection measures are also adopted for protecting the safety of frontline officers and persons in custody.  The CSD has been in close liaison with the CHP, taking its advice and updating the infection preventive measures.

     To respond to any potential emergency situation, the CSD has prepared and reserved sufficient facilities in correctional institutions for quarantining and observing the persons in custody concerned.  Besides, for preventing COVID-19 from spreading, the CSD also enhanced the testing measures to arrange for all newly-admitted persons in custody, persons in custody upon transfer between correctional institutions and the persons in custody going to be discharged and transferred to the CIC for detention to take COVID-19 testing.

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